Will of Remornia
Pommel Jewel of Remornia
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Attacks and kills nearby critters.
1 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
This pet has a chance to drop off of the last boss of the Castle Nathria raid.
Level 0:

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

Drop for me on LFR (Ta'elfar - Audience with Arrogance) today 2/28/2025.
When at your garrison she glides along the ground like a frozen snake. Not sure if that's accidental or by design but it certainly looks odd when she follows your other pets.
I have been running LFR, normal and heroic for 6 weeks, does anyone know if this pet is still available? So far hasn't dropped for me. Ok dropped today 12/24/24 on LFR on my 23rd run for this toon. So yes it's still available
Still obtainable - dropped for me through the LFR queue from Oribos - took about 20 runs through alts to obtain! :)
Soloed her today on my Mage after about 10 attemps...she is an awesom pet well worth the effort.
This is one of my favorite pets in the game, possibly even my favorite. It's unique to any other pet, it's good in pet battles, plus it slaughters innocent critters with impunity. Love her!
As she'll occasionally kill things,
consider bringing her to Thorghast for example. If you get any sort of "on a killing blow get X" her kills will count for you!
(sometimes she'll kill 'nothing'? Maybe ghosts? I don't know.)
Please note: She can and will kill Courage, the Larion cub - so keep that in mind if trying to get it.
I really don't need gears on my alts from LFR, so I send them through just the final boss to farm this pet. Took 23 attempts and got it.
Managed to get this via a trade with someone it dropped for in my LFR group, they didnt even notice they got the pet and didnt care too much about it. I traded them some cageable pets on an alt on their server to sell for gold in exchange for their trust and generosity. I dont have any alts to farm this on so im a happy camper. So keep in mind, it can be traded before its learned to anyone who was within the raid for the standard duration of time before it becomes soul bound.
I looted her in LFR the other day, was really stoked, I only wish she was a little bigger. :( Her animation is pretty rad though!! I was in Oribos standing near Pathscribe Roh-Avonavi (flightpath) and she killed both the Anima Wyrm that were hovering behind him haha it definitely caught me by surprise!
Really hoping this drops from LFR!
This evil bundle of steel kills critters with impunity and leaves a bloody mess for me to clean up while out questing in the world.
This pet looks absolutely awesome!