Spectral Cub

Spectral Cub
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks around and idles about. Also occasionally sits down.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Special promotion.
Loot code required.
Limited to servers in China.
Loot code required.
Limited to servers in China.
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: January 25, 2013
Although the Pet Journal states that this pet is from the Blizzard Pet Store, lead content developer Cory Stockton confirmed on Twitter that the Spectral Cub was actually part of a promotional event in Shanghai China for the Battle.net World Championship in 2012.
This pet can be easily mistaken for the Spectral Tiger Cub, however this particular cub is a separate companion and not from the trading card game.
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Just as an FYI, you only need 20 of the 25 cats listed for the Crazy for Cats achievement.
It doesn't make any sense to have pets available to some but not to all. If you think promotional pets are such a great idea, then make it available early as a promotion and then available for everyone else later. Achievement Crazy For Cats requires pets that we can't get, so either make them available or remove the achievement and all others like it.
How can I get one of these now days (2015)?
Can anyone confirm if this pet is ACTAULLY obtainable on non-chinese servers?
I realize that at one stage it was available through the BMAH during beta testing but I haven't been able to find any records of anyone seeing it on the BMAH since MoP went live.
Also I believe this was a pet via a redemption code, so would that mean if you attended the event in China and physically had the promotional code \ card would it be useable on a US or EU server?
Actually theres a few american based players on US servers with mini tyreal. While yes it was located in paris it was still learnable and such on US realms. If you include this pet to EU only youd have to include Blizzcon to US only as many couldnt afford to go to blizzcon from outside the US either.
Also dont forget that not everyone on US realms is in the US. You have mexico, those stationed/living overseas, New zealand, Australia for example. I myself was in japan for 7 years thus unable to attend blizzcon without paying thousands of dollars just for the plane ticket.
To this pet (and others like it) I do think that after a certain amount of time they should in fact make them available for purchase in game or via blizzards store so everyone in the world can obtain.
Just to add one more dimension to this discussion...
Erm, what EU only pets? Pretty sure there have been US only promotions before. Struggling to think of anything we can get in the EU that the US can't. If anything, China seems to get all the exclusives.
ETA: And did you really just suggest that a charity promotion should be restricted? You want it to sell less, and raise less for charity, so it's rarer for you?
EU only pets include Gurky (EU fansite promotion), Lurky (EU only servers because of Burning Crusade CE mess up) and Mini Tyrael (Paris Invitational---like any American could make that "Ain't nobody got time for that!!")
Only American only pets that I can think of MIGHT be the Spirit of Competition pet, but that might even have been avaliable to everyone! :(
I just want a Murloc pet too like Asian countries and European countries!!! :(