Mini Mindslayer

Jewel of Maddening Whispers
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes.
Level 0:

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Very regal appreance, adore them.
Picked up on my first temple run.
Already a favourite.
As other posters said, very cool looking pet.
I love the Old God and Ahn'Qiraj themed pets, but all, except Anubisath Idol, are kinda hard to make them work properly.
The P/S breed is not bad, but without a proper heal and low health pool, it is tricky to balance the Life Exchange.
You dont want to cast Exchange before the enemy, but with 289 speed, that can sometimes happen, so i would put this one under the "Hit and Run" switch pets.
Eyeblast, Innervision, Interrupting Gaze seems nice too.
Mini Mindslayer looks cool and is fun to play, but has a crippling deficiency that keeps him out of serious consideration. No matter which ability loadout you choose, MM will be cooldown-locked, meaning you will have to pass or sub every three turns with him. (Spamming Inner Vision is functionally the same as passing).
I never understood just how good this lil guy was until I got Stitches Jr. at my Pet Menagerie and couldn't figure out how to get this thing killed. I could get Stitches killed the first time but since he was Undead he'd rez up and kill my last guy. I would start off with my Mini Mindslayer and use Life Exchange and then Inner Vision then swap out pets (Had an Unborn Val'kyr and Chrominius as my other 2 pets). After Unborn was dead I brough back the Mini for round of the same bring him back to full health then swapping for the Chrommy for the final blow for first death. What was great was when Stitches revived I had and almost fully healed Mini Mindslayer who just had to survive one hit (less than 500) and I won. I should try him with that kid over on Timeless Island!
The best tactical use of this alien pet is against Ti'un the Wanderer. You can almost always one-man this Beast of Fable with the following strategy:
Abilities -
[1] Mana Surge / [2] Inner Vision / [3] Life Exchange
Both of Ti'un's attacks are weak against Magic creatures: Tidal Wave / Pump. His attacks are varied and will switch between heavy use of Pump or Tidal Wave and Shell Shield.
Strategy -
[3] on cooldown / [2] followed by [1]
When both HP's are even, drop [3].
Going with Mana Surge you will be cooldown locked. If you chose not to use Mana Surge then this little guy won't do any real damage at all. Pretty decent stats, and Mana Surge can do some real damage. But be prepared to switch around a bit since otherwise you will just stand around doing nothing useful for quite a while. I would suggest finding your Mana Surge fix somewhere else. The other attacks do very little damage, even if buffed by amplify magic.
I got this on my first run to AQ since starting bet battling, didn't even know I had picked him up. Looking at "it" all I can say is "what the heck IS it?"
Got this off first run. I love his looks, but with no real heal, and seemingly low damage for the amount of squishiness mine is, its a pain leveling him.
Went to AQ just to try to get this pet and got it at my first run. Good luck!
This pet can be difficult to get for casters, as the boss will interrupt pretty much any cast time. Instant casts and melee are the way to go. But for Shamans, don't use totems as multiple targets will cause him to mind control you and then reset.
I was 7 for 7 until I got to Viscudus and the Twins (all the MC and BWL pets on the first run). Either I had one hell of a run, or the MC and BWL pets have significantly higher drop rates.
Dropped off my 2nd AQ run since the pet's release. I have yet to battle with it, but every time I've battled it, it's been a powerhouse.
Very solid pvp pet with power surge, amplify magic, and life exchange.
Dropped off first kill...lucky for me, since this was my most wanted AQ pet.
Dropped on an alts first run.
Just did AQ and MC and got 3 pets total from them including this guy.
Couldn't kill vicisious due to the mechanic, so thats one out and the other 2 kills just did not drop the pet.
drops off first boss, got it on my first attempt, so happy! :D hes adorable
I just got this today after patch in my first try! Not sure if it was luck or it has a high drop-chance, but at least the raid is easy to solo now at lvl 90 :)
Just got this little guy, first timing killing The Prophet Skeram since 5.1. I cleared MC and had nothing drop. Have yet to do BwL. Unsure of drop rates.
Confirmed that this drops off The Prophet Skeram. I've noticed that all the raid pets don't have a 100% chance to drop. I had two drop in MC, zero drop in BWL. I've only killed Skeram once. I can only assume AQ and Naxx go by the same rules as MC and BWL.