
Holy Chime
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Idles about. Occasionally summons song notes.
Chiming (constant)
Blesses nearby critters with Touch of the Naaru.
1 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.1.0 | Posted: February 6, 2015
The achievement that rewards this pet requires players to collect all 12 pets that drop from the raids Black Temple, Hyjal Summit and Sunwell Plateau.
K'ute, a peaceful Naaru, cannot battle.
K'ute, a peaceful Naaru, cannot battle.
1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

I wish blizzard would be more consistent on whether a pet can fly or cannot fly. This pet should be able to "hover" with you. For all the effort you go through.
Im happy that they put a Naaru pet in, because i really like them.
I really hope Blizz one day decides to make this an actual battle pet, because that would be cool.
I'd love to have it be a healer/shield pet, it doesnt even need to attack, as long as it can heal or protect the other members;
H/H H:1725, P:268, S:252 (Breed 6 or 16, depending on the gender)
Wish / Inspiring Song,
Celestial Blessing / Dazzling Dance,
Fade / Lullaby.
If only :)
It would have been nice if they made it have all control abilities. For how much it took to get it having the ability to Block, shield, nullify attacks, or provide accuracy for your team would have been cool. As it is, it represents a wind chime...
Cute as it might look, it is otherwise worthless, particularly for the effort to get, and that annoying chime means, for me at least, it has been summoned once and pretty much never again.
Good news Tobirama the chiming is now permanent :D since 6.2.
As someone who mains a draenei paladin, I will say that -- in spite of the fact that it can't battle -- this is one of the coolest companions Blizzard into the game. A naaru! Your own little naaru!
Props to the developers who made K'ute. Draenei rejoice! :)
she cant battle but she can be lvled with tokens :) enjoy
This little guy is too cute. Though unable to battle I got mine to lvl 25. Lol. Not sure if it is a bug. Woot
Sad he can't battle. :(
I got this pet recently, it's lovely but the naaru chime sound only lasts for 10 seconds then stops, I hope this is not intended, it's not noisy like the Iron starlette was, I hope they fix it soon. :)
Got this little guy Tuesday and what a treat. The singing notes and gift of the naaru on passing critters is adorable :)
Got this little guy about 2 hours ago and i love this this little guy.... Too bad he can't battle though D:
Casts Gift of the Naaru on passing critters. Adorable!