
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Patch 9.2.0 | Posted: February 22, 2022
Players will need to progress the main story campaign on Zereth Mortis to unlock an NPC named Firim, which will then grant access to Firim's Spare Forge-tap. This item can be used on various progenitor forges (orbs) around Zereth Mortis to collect Ephemera Strands. Combine 15 of these strands together to create an Ephemera Orb, which has a chance to drop the pet.
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Got mine today after about 30 orbs, well worth it though :) You can usually doa full loop, syphoning EVERY orb you can find and by the time you're back round to the start again, you should be able to start syphoning again :)
Got mine today! Took me about 8 Orbs, but hang-in-there! He does exist and is worth the effort!
Cute lil one! For those discouraged with seeing folks getting it under 20 attempts... do not fret. I finally received today after 55 orbs. Don't give up. It does exist. Happy hunting, friends.
Got it yesterday on 18th orb opening. Good luck all!
Just got this cutie. Somewhere around my 15th orb while trying for the day's provis key.
This pet comes from the
Ephemera Orb. To get this you need to talk to Firim to get his
Firim's Spare Forge-tap. You can also get this when you're on a daily he has you do. Go around to the circular orbs around the zone and click it, periodically you will get
Ephemera Strands. Combine 15 of these strands into a
Ephemera Orb, open, and hope you get the pet. You can do this all day long if you want, it just takes the 15 strands to combine.
i got this today. took me 10 or 11 tries to get the pet. its not cageable. but worth the effort after you get it.
Combine 15 Ephemra Strands to create an Ephemera Orb. Right click orb to open for a chance at Geordy. Got mine on first orb but your mileage may vary. GL all!