
Idles about.
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
Level 0:

1-16 of 16
1-16 of 16

Oamea's comment:
This was exactly right. In fact, there are two holes in the ground and both had one in them, which was good because the regular snowy crimsonspines aggro and one of the pets got killed from an aoe.
Finally got one at the Thaldraszus location, nearly 2 hours of killing every battle pet and all critters using a macro, i.e. the vorquin, rabbits, flitters, crimsonspines in the surrounding area, including up on the higher area overlooking the location, I went north to the mob filled area with the water and killed 6 battle pets, when I flew back one had spawned, a rare :)
Expanding on what Oamea said, there isn't just one hole, but two under the log at the following Tom Tom coordinates in Azure Span:
/way #2024 60 38
Good Luck!
There is a hole in the ground, where one can be found inside, in the Azure span around 60/38. it is inside the hole.
Thaldraszus has 5 spawn locations.
50.69, 64.08
50.76, 64.71
50.72, 65.80
51.26, 65.23
Ioberto helped a lot…it will take a while, but it will work.
Loberto's advice above worked for me.
More than two hours of killing all critters at the Thaldraxus spawn point with no pets popping feels excessive for a safari pet.
Etta is correct. Mine spawned after about 10 minutes of killing all Lvl1 critters at 50.63 65.63
Best advice I can give for this pet. Go to the 50, 64 area in Thaldraxus and mark the 4 crimsonspine spawns there or just locate them. Then go around the local area and kill literally ever petbattle spawn other than crimsonspine. You will haave the crimsonspine in less than 30 mins if done properly. I have tested and confirmed t his method now twice after spending hours just killing the crimsonspines and letting them respawn in both locations.
Both locations as Etta and Songheart stated are good any time. You have to kill non-battle critters for the battle pets to spawn. Make a macro and kill the lvl 1 critters (even different named critters around the spawn area) they share battle pet spawn locations. I camped Azure Plains for a LONG time killing the 2 critters in the tiny caves under the fallen tree. I gave up and went to the Thaldraszus location and there were several there. I killed one round of critters and had one battle pet spawn right after. Good Luck!!
Found mine at 50.70, 64.30 in Thaldraszus. It was 2:54 AM server time so I can confirm that this is NOT a daytime only spawn as was speculated by another user. I did have to use the critter kill method to finally get him to spawn as well as battling/murdering the other battle pets in the vicinity.
My gf and I were able to find the Crimsonspine both under the large fallen tree in Azure Span but also outside of Valdrakken. We initially found them at night and none of them were popping up as tameable. It might be a day-time only pet.
This one was insanely annoying but also finally got it to spawn uner the log. It took me four hours.
Found at 60,37 under the huge fallen tree just like the other poster.
Found as a main pet in The Azure Plains (waypoint 60.66, 37.95) under a tree, sleeping in a tiny hole