Creeping Tentacle

Wriggling Darkness
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Flails about.
Creaking (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Occasionally sends messages to the owner in the form of whispers.
3 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: October 25, 2016
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King, which rewards a quest to battle Algalon. Defeating him rewards Stardust!
The Creeping Tentacle has 3 different appearances. Each time it is summoned it can look like a thin tentacle, thicker tentacle, or clubbed tentacle.
The Creeping Tentacle has 3 different appearances. Each time it is summoned it can look like a thin tentacle, thicker tentacle, or clubbed tentacle.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Movin on to about 100ish tries on 12 chars I can say that the drop% is garbage low and I feel like giving up on this pet.
So after reading yalls comments I tried turning all keepers on and the pet dropped I feel like the keepers affect the drop rate.
Fun pet to have, the Yogg whispers are cool, as if you really have a tiny piece of Old God with you.
I think this is a switch pet, cast Forboding Curse to lower their speed, getting a couple Slaps or Crushes out, then put up a Barrier and switch.
Unless you want to use it as an Elemental "Slayer", but i think it lacks the health to sustain for a long period, despite the Magic racial, but i could be wrong.
I havent really tested around much with it yet.
One thing to keep in mind if you're using insanity then barrier (or similar mechanics), if your opponent doesn't attack and the barrier is still up when your insanity goes off, your barrier will block the insanity and cause a miss.
Easily my favorite new pet. A guildie gave it to me after he got the drop in a mount run.
The provided description is a bit wrong though, while he does send you whispers, if you have in-game sound on YOU CAN HEAR THE WHISPERS in creepy Yogg-Saron voice. Super awesome!! :D
I just got it today, and I did it in "heroic" mode since I'm also farming Mim's Head. I didn't even realize it had dropped, until, I went to "learn" all the stuff showing in my New Openables addon, and I got the RWL IV achieve. lol
The current rumor is that you get a better chance for this to drop if you have all four guardians up. So it comes down to a shot between the pet with 4 up or the mount with 0 up. I'll test it when I get home tonight!
I got every other pet atleast twice but this one never dropped on all 23 of my runs! Haven't seen it up on the auction houses of the large populated servers either, it must have a stupidly low drop rate.
With some bizarre luck, I received this on my first run and then never again.
If people are in need of this pet for the achievement, feel free to message me and we can arrange a quick swap.
Either luck is very poor for me and my fellow commentor here or the drop rate on this is indeed exceedingly low. I have gotten two snobolds, supposedly very rare, after 12 runs this week, and several of each other pet (well, only one ghoul and one soul), but no tentacle... :( still have a few more toons to go
Update: As of 3 Nov, 2016, the pet should drop properly on all modes now. It was indeed bugged but the issue should be fixed.
Hmm seems like the drop rate for this is a lot lower than the rates for the other pets for the achi? Farmed these raids a lot this week and this is the only one that eludes me.