Celestial Calf

Celestial Calf
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and occasionally summons a falling star.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
The Mad Merchant can sometimes be found in The Wonderworks Toy Shop in Dalaran (Broken Isles).
His spawn timer is largely random, with generally 11 hours or more between appearances.
After a player purchases an item from The Mad Merchant he will stick around for roughly 15 minutes before despawning.
His spawn timer is largely random, with generally 11 hours or more between appearances.
After a player purchases an item from The Mad Merchant he will stick around for roughly 15 minutes before despawning.
Level 0:

Remember when this was a lot for a pet.
The last 2 times I've seen the Mad Merchant up, the music in Dalaran did not change... I know some people only check for him by the music so I wanted to make this note :)
i will buy this. i don't care if it's a crappy pet or that it's super expensive, gotta have 'em all (that i can realistically get my hands on with ingame gold).
People that have no idea how to make gold can obtain this pet / the 1 million gold required in a timeframe of roughly 3-4 months by doing the wailing caverns pet dungeon once a week and hoping for an Everliving Spore reward that can be sold in the auction house for 1/4 to 1/3 of the gold needed for a Celestial Calf
Not just a 1Million gold pet, Now you can have 3!!!.
Blizzard what are you thinking???
Thanks!!! now I'm going to buy 3!!!
Well, for all of you who don't have a million to spare, you could, for the sum of
±$100 purchase that gold. It's like 10X the amount of any store bought pet though a virtual pass to Blizcon is a little cheaper than $100, the pet you get from that is expensive too. (Never done it.)
Has anyone seen the mad merchant lately? I've been looking for him for the past 3 weeks on Lightbringer. Finally found him today 3/25/17 8:19pm (central) on Lightbringer. Happy hunting for those that still plan to add this one to your collection. :)
Although this pet is expensive, it is an excellent pet. Magic racial + Stoneskin + Wish = Great tank.
Now a million on a pet which you could also vendor goods to or access your bank from or even ride that would be cool. Surely Blizzard has to come up with some other ideas. How about a pet who could teleport a party member to you. I think Blizzard is laughing with every $1M pet sold. They probably have a counter up at Head Office.
Wow, just wow. A friggin million for this ?? Not in a million years. I have to draw a line and i guess this is it. I love collecting pets, but this is a little over the top.
So Blizzard is charging 1 million on a pet, and 2 million on a 1 person mount, but they charge 120k on a 3 person mount with a repair vendor. Why, exactly?
I just got this pet, and it's amazing.
After having so much problems with him during the Algalon fight, I appreciate having him.
Just bought him since I saw the mad standing in the toyshop. Somewhat regret spent 1m on him. He's cute but the animation is not very frequent.
I remember getting the 2-seater mount in Wrath. That was a lot, at the time...
Ditto the two-seater mount (with xmog vendor) in Cata...
Ditto paying crazy prices in bidding wars on BMAH for TCG pets...
But 1,000,000g for a naff pet? 2,000,000g for a mount - That's just exploitive. Especially when it follows (unnecessarily) raising the gold cap to 10m and adding gold for ca$h tokens. That's not burning up our garrison gold resources (caused by their lack of foresight), that's naked greed!
This is a ridiculous amount of gold to expect people to pay for a new pet. I agree with some of the comments I have read. I would pay 1 million for Murky or Mini Tyreal because they are actually worth that. What your getting here is a reskinned river calf which hasn't even got a unique name, for that amount I would at least expect it to have a name. Yes I have the gold right now to pay for it, but no, I will not pay this extortionate amount. The reason I do have 1 million right now is because I am patiently waiting for the Dirges cooking recipe to fall on the AH again. Another item I would gladly pay that amount of gold for because it is unobtainable. Although I have seen it go for around 700 to 800k before.
This is beyond ridiculous. I *might* pay 1 million gold for Murky or Mini Tyrael since they have been out of circulation and are unattainable for most of us. But come on, this is just a gold sink.
wish and celestial blessing, wow for support ressons this is a top choice, hopping one day 1million gold won't be the problem
I COULD buy the calf...I'm getting close to where I could buy the spider mount. I can't see spending that much gold on either - especially when the hippo pets/mounts aren't appealing (Celestial Calf is all "lipstick on a pig"), and the Spider mount can't fly.
I have 800k. I could get to 1 million but I honstely can't imagine spending every last penny on the Celestial Calf. It's a nice looking pet but honestly there are much cooler looking pets.
Now, if the appearance was extraordinarily unique and had really cool idle animations I might consider it. Heck, Argi from the store is a better looking pet IMHO.
Have to add this pet to my excluded list I suppose.
Blizz has given us a lot of easy pets in Legion but they've gone out of thier way to make some rediculously hard to get as well. Even if I did get 1 million gold, I would not spend it all on this one pet sadly. :(