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Accursed Hexxer

Accursed Hexxer
Accursed Hexxer
Rating: 4.07 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 4.07 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 4.07 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 4.07 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 4.07 / 5 — Rate it below
4.07 768 votes
Rating: 3.60 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.60 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.60 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.60 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.60 / 5 — Rate it belowRating: 3.60 / 5 — Rate it below
3.60 401 votes

Vendor: Shoak , Blind Wunja

Zone: Nazmir

Cost: 500Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Dodger (A)

Zone: Boralus

Cost: 500Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Accursed Hexxer
Accursed Hexxer
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Want it Want it | Got it | Exclude — Community: 1.4% have it
Neutral Neutral
Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers and looks about.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Players must complete the quest An Ancient Curse before this pet will appear on the vendor.

Horde can find Shoak in Gloom Hollow after completing the quests, Killing Cannibals, Just Say No to Cannibalism and Shoak's on the Menu.

Alliance need to head to coordinates 55,36 in Nazmir and find Kajosh to complete his quest chain.

Alternatively, if sneaking into the Horde camp to visit Shoak is too troublesome, Alliance can purchase this pet from Blind Wunja, who is neutral to both Horde and Alliance.

As of Patch 8.1, a new vendor was added allowing Alliance players to purchase this pet directly, bypassing the original prerequisite quest noted above. To gain access to this vendor, Dodger, players must acquire A Shady Message quest item. The quest item is a random drop from participating in Pet Battle PVP (queued) matches. Accepting and completing the quest mission, as well as the follow-up quest, will grant access to Dodger and his stock of multiple Horde battle pets.
Level 0: Health 0Power 0Speed 0
Requires Pet Level: 1

200% Hit Chance 


Blasts the enemy with a laser of fel energy, dealing 354 Mechanical damage.

Vs. Beast

Vs. Elemental
Requires Pet Level: 10

100% Hit Chance 


Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing 295 Magic damage.


Damage increases by 98 each time it is used. Max 492 Magic damage.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical
4 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 2

Phase out, increasing your chance to dodge by 100%.


Lasts 1 round.

3 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 15

100% Hit Chance 


Drains the enemy of 10% of their maximum health.


The user is healed for 300% of the health drained.

1 Round Cooldown
Requires Pet Level: 4

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 197 Magic damage and reduces the target's speed by 50% and damage done by 50% for 1 round.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical
Requires Pet Level: 20

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 315 Undead damage and plagues the target for 5 rounds.


While plagued, enemies who strike the target are healed.

Vs. Humanoid

Vs. Aquatic


Magic pets cannot be dealt more than 35% of their maximum health in one attack.


Damage Taken 

50% from Dragonkin abilities

33% from Aquatic abilities

1-8 of 8
Rating: 0   [Report]

This pet will fly with you

Feb 16, 2019 at 12:11am | Edits: 0 | Aggramar-us | Pets: 323 Compare collections | Score: 2094
Rating: 0   [Report]

This pet is fantastic.


I jusrt Solo'ed Kwint with this pet it has awesome survivability so op

Feb 15, 2019 at 7:52pm | Edits: 1 | Draenor-eu | Pets: 970 Compare collections | Score: 5709
Rating: +1   [Report]

Absolutely love this pet. Looks amazing with lush textures and shiny glinting colours. Battlewise it's a joy to use too with Drain Blood and a choice of Mech or Magic for front line damage it hits hard. Try it with Stardust or Celestial Dragon for the Starfall + damage. Excellent!

Jan 15, 2019 at 12:50pm | Edits: 0 | Draenor-eu | Pets: 715 Compare collections | Score: 3451
Top RaterBeana 
Rating: +1   [Report]

Just got this pet after 500! What a great flying killer between arcane blast, phase shift and weakness....great pet!!

Dec 17, 2018 at 10:38pm | Edits: 0 | Area 52-us | Pets: 1796 Compare collections | Score: 14294
Rating: 0   [Report]

The pet's kit and racial seems pretty good, has anyone tried this pet already? Im tempted to get it but its 500 charms so idk :(

Nov 23, 2018 at 10:36am | Edits: 0 | Scarlet Crusade-us | Pets: 160 Compare collections | Score: 796
Rating: +2   [Report]

For alliance, see Blind Wunja instead:

/way Nazmir 34.55 55.00 cave entrance to Blind Wunja

Oct 20, 2018 at 3:06am | Edits: 0 | Zangarmarsh-us | Pets: 711 Compare collections | Score: 4669
Rating: +1   [Report]

I had done all the quests for this week 1 of the exspansion but when I went to buy it as I got the charms Blind Wunja did not have it.  Since Cursed Coin is kinda a wanted type quest went back did it and was able ot purchase the pet now. So if your confused hey I did the quest but the vendor is not selling it go back and do the quest it likely got reset for you to. 

Aug 30, 2018 at 7:29pm | Edits: 0 | Fizzcrank-us | Pets: 1652 Compare collections | Score: 13153
Top RaterFrytanya 
Rating: +1   [Report]

You need to complete the quest An Ancient Curse for Shoak to start selling this pet.

Aug 23, 2018 at 4:57pm | Edits: 0 | Anub'arak-us | Pets: 1607 Compare collections | Score: 12743
1-8 of 8

No one knows where this haunted tiki mask came from, or why its so angry all the time. It seems to like you though!
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