Servant of Demidos

Servant of Demidos
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.2 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Demidos is a rare elite spawn located on a hill in Socrethar's Rise in southern Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor). To reach this mob, players can jump onto the large rocks that are pushed up against the hill. It is then possible to reach a coiled rope that can be right clicked to pull the player up the otherwise unscalable hillside.
This rare elite is faction taggable, and drops personal loot. A group of players is recommended for Demidos, as he hits hard, applies a stacking debuff, and has a large health pool. Killing him will count towards the progress of a garrison daily quest, "Assault on Socrethar's Rise".
Demidos does not spawn every day, and players can only receive loot once per day from this creature.
This rare elite is faction taggable, and drops personal loot. A group of players is recommended for Demidos, as he hits hard, applies a stacking debuff, and has a large health pool. Killing him will count towards the progress of a garrison daily quest, "Assault on Socrethar's Rise".
Demidos does not spawn every day, and players can only receive loot once per day from this creature.
Level 0:

got it at 07.03.2021, maybe 5s kills before get him
It doesnt seem obtainable in Shadowlands.. Been farming it for a week now
Got mine yesterday while heading out to do the Garrison Hallow's End quests. First time to see Demidos, didn't know about the pet until he dropped. Lucky happenstance.
Not 1 to 1. I Killed today and pet didn't drop. Wowhead shows 15%.
1:1 drop rate implies that this pet is a 100% drop. I killed him today for the first time (finally) and there was no pet drop. Some one please fix the page so that others are not mislead.
While having low life this pet is not a breakable glass cannon. It has really high damage with a racial that stops the other team from being able to take advantage of it's low life in one or two hits. If you can add Sunlight to its healing ability you can have a chance to recharge him quite a bit. The down side is the cooldown count of his heal and strongest hitting ability.
Got him first time, made me very happy!
This is not a 1:1 drop rate. I've killed this mob several times and nobody in the group gets the pet, therefore the rate is not 1 for 1. Makes me sad.
Got tired of farming and bought an uncommon for 2k in trade. Gonna stone him to rare. woo!
This pet is not tied to the dailies for Socrether's Rise.
JUst got Demidos today!! I died in doing so, thank goodness someone was there to help me :) it was my 3rd try, :) He looks soo cool!!! :D Now to level him :)
This is an interesting pet against wilds. I think they're all P/P, but he (she?) seems to hit like a ton of bricks against most. Between this and the red cricket I've been impressed (if you can keep them from getting bottled up by another pets abilities)
only killed him twice to get mine
Here is a tip! set the loot settings to "Personal Loot". We got Demidos to drop 2 pets at once when we set the loot to personal loot, and we had only 4 or 5 people in the group. Each person has their own chance at the pet drop that way, instead of everyone rolling on the same one. Two of my guildies both got a pet in the same kill, hoping for mine soon!
650 hunter soloed him 3 times only on days apex drop no pet :(
ill keep on trying he is a very hard fight .
Did it solo on enh shaman. Just used bomb, in time it launched, used tank, and burst+turells after tank was destroyed. Workshop POWAAAA!
Well I bought him on a low populated Alliance server for 2000 gold. On Horde servers he is so expensive. He is worth every single coin.
Soloed him 5 or 6 times so far in seperate days. The pet has not dropped so far :(
Ridai, your info doesn't seem to be fully accurate. I killed Demidos last night, roughly 30 minutes before dailies reset, and Socrethar's Rise was not the daily that day for either horde or alliance on my server, and I very much doubt he would have stayed up full day if it was daily the previous day (and it didn't become the new daily after the reset). I soloed it with my 652 item level prot warrior, but it was really hard, so I don't recommend trying to solo it unless your well-geared tank.
One of the first heavy-hitters for the Magic family with a breed that takes full advantage of its family's passive -- and the only other dangerous pets of its kind I can think of off the top of my head are the Ethereal Soul-Trader and the Jade Oozeling.
Until now, the only pets with Magic abilities I found myself using happened to be Dragonkin, and only rarely would I pull out the Soul-Trader. But the Servant of Demidos hits like a truck. Definitely a worthy investment.