Erudite Manafiend

Idles about. Very rarely casts a non-damaging Arcane Explosion.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This pet spawns at the Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar in Azsuna, but only during the day. At night Eldritch Manafiends occupy the area's wild pet spawns.
Level 0:

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

IMO I think manafiends are really underrated. Three or two with the combo of amplify magic, arcane storm, arcane explosion make a great strategy for specific fights. I found this so useful when going for the all magic pet achievements.
Because both moves attack the whole team the backline pets lose hitpoints almost as quickly as the front one, this is especially useful for battles like BFA Lozu. My only note is sometimes the breed does matter so collect afew as they all have just one breed type.
12:40am oceanic i finally completed my acheive! woooo! was only a green but it will do for now :)
Seems to be US (blizzard time) for the Day vs Night time.
Found mine during the day around the Ley-Ruins in Aszuna.
I was trying to get a rare Magic stone, but i ended up with 3 uncommon Erudites.
The nice surprise came later when i was doing the Celestial Tournament.
I was running low on pets to choose from and went out on a limb and put the 3 uncommon Erudites against Chi-Chi (2x lvl23 and 1x lvl24), using Arcane Blast, Surge of Power and Arcane Storm on all, and it worked, it saved me using my "good" pets. But now i see that it has potential.
When I first saw this fellow, I knew I wanted to get one.
This pet has one type, so all you have to do is get a good one (if you dont want to use a stone).
That didnt help me much. I had a bit of a hard time getting a rare to pop.
What I did was show up 2-3 times and day sweeping the area. If it was trash, I killed it. I eventually found a rare one. They dont pop much so when you see it, get it!
If your doing the quest line with the bloodgazer hatchling stage 3 is to defeat 3 Erudite manfiends.
I've been looking for one of these for a couple weeks, all times of day, not a single one in sight. I found an interesting post in the wow forums that mentioned both sorts of manafiend will NOT despawn, and you have to kill them in order for the other type to access the spawn points.
Got mine at around 1030 server time. 2 poor, 2 common, 1 uncommon and finally one rare (57, 17). Usually has either 2 critters, 1 critter and 1 aquatic, or 1 critter and a moth.
Erudite Manafiend is only available during the US daylight hours. From 6-7am US realm times which is about 12-1am Sydney time for Oceanic realms. So a little late night hunting for those of us on Oceanic realms to catch a daytime pet lol.
Would be nice if we could get specific times whats considered "Night" and "Day".
Actually, to correct Druzy below, the Erudite Manafiend only appears during the DAY, in place of the Eldritch Manafiend that only appears during the NIGHT.
Blizzard is giving pet battlers a huge assortment of Manafiend abilities to pick from. This one has the ability to heal itself(a first) and remove buffs and debuffs.