Eldritch Manafiend

Idles about.
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3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This pet spawns at the Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar in Azsuna, but at night. During the day Erudite Manafiends occupy the area's wild pet spawns.
Level 0:

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Looks like from 10 pm Realm time until ?? am these guys are up in Azsun in the purple Ley-Ruins. All 3 of my battles produced a Rare.
So I showed up at 9pm server, no Eldritch to be seen. I sat around until 9:30 because I saw someone else say something about it. Sure enough the :30 mark hit and they spawned. Maybe it is at night but only on :30?
3 Rares in a row here. It must be I'm really lucky. Yeah, sure...that's it.
I have yet to see one even spawn as a capturable or non-capturable critter. I still only see erudite manafiends even after 8pm server time. its 9:20pm server time right now and only erudites keep spawning =(
[UPDATE] 8-27-2021
I don't know if there is a random element to when they start spawning, but last night at 9:30pm server time all the Erudite Manafiends despawned and about 2 min later Eldritch Manafiends started showing up. I finally got one! =)
IMO I think manafiends are really underrated. Three or two with the combo of amplify magic, arcane storm, arcane explosion make a great strategy for specific fights. I found this so useful when going for the all magic pet achievements.
Because both moves attack the whole team the backline pets lose hitpoints almost as quickly as the front one, this is especially useful for battles like BFA Lozu. My only note is sometimes the breed does matter so collect afew as they all have just one breed type.
I love this guy. He's one of my go-to pets when I need a hard hitter to knock something out. Love his Soulrush and Surge of Power abilities.
Went and captured one of these just because I didn't have one. As I leveled it through battle i found it to be a very, very effective pet. Quickly became one of my go-to magic pets.
Highly recommend capturing at least one of these.
Only available at night, and they always spawn rare with P/S breed so it's pretty nice!
got my blue one @ 57,11
Just confirming...still only available at night and only saw rares...still an awesome looking pet...
I have been having trouble finding any of these up. Only the Erudite. I did some reading and apparently the Erudite's turn into the Eldritch at a certain time of day. It is about 11am Central on my realm...will check back & report later this evening! --Confirmed Eldritch are up at night all rare quality.
Pretty useful pet, not as essential as Fragment of Anger, or Chrominius against Flying, but it is a decent placeholder.
It has a fairly low lifepool with 1339, but the Magic trait can save it from getting killed too quickly, unless you face enemies that have multi-hit attacks.
Arcane Explosion, Surge of Power and Soulrush, to get a couple of stuns in while you drain the team with Arcane, then use Surge when you are about to get killed.
The 289 speed also gives it a chance to strike first.
I can confirm that they are still capturable. I caught one today at 09:15 server time.
Can anyone confirm if these pets are still collectable please .... Everytime I call there ( after 20:00 ) all I can see are non capturable pets :( Many thanks !!
Getting a rare Eldritch Manafiend is quite common. Only took me 2 tries. No need to use an upgrade stone. There is only one breed of this pet, so there is no real need to hunt for more to get different breeds. He is quite scary looking and frightens my flying pets. He will team up with my Nexus Whelpling and Undead pets, but all others are afraid...very, very afraid.
I found 3 rares in a row.. my guess is they are all rares?
I found 3 rares in Ley-Ruins right after 8pm server time, just started showing up then. Looks like they might only come as rares.
Just found two rares, right in a row in the Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar.
With Surge of Power and Soulrush this Manafiend should be quite effective in destroying an enemy pet. If the 25% chance to stun hits their only option will be to swap pets which will make them lose 1 round of damage. A magic pet with healing would be a good counter while the Eldritch is recharging.