Lunar Lantern

Lunar Lantern
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.3.0 | Posted: January 22, 2012
The Horde version of this pet is the Festival Lantern.
Because this pet is Bind on Use, it is possible to learn both versions of the Lunar Festival companions on a single character.

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Middleground stats. Flash and Light is a nice combination, especially when the opposing pet can't switch. Burn hits pretty hard, especially nice vs mechanicals, else use Beam and birds will truly fear you even with your non impressive stats. If you chose to use Illuminate be sure to have some other pet that benefits from it since the Lantern itself does not make much use of it.
Identical to Enchanted Lantern and Festival Lantern, battle wise.
It's very easy to get both lanterns (H&A) w/o farming coins on 2 opposing characters or heading for the AH. (This is assuming you already have one faction's lantern for yourself.) Obtain 50 coins and buy a second lantern (Save extra coins in your bank from year to year). Add it to your journal. Log on to a character of the opposing faction (lvl 1 will do) and cage one of the lanterns. Stand in Org or SW and offer to trade with someone who has an extra of the lantern you seek. Even swap.
Bought it in game and it doesn't show on my Pet Journal. Contacted a Blizzard GM and he told me it is called "Festival Lantern" on the journal.
I leveled the Horde version of this up, gave it a magic stone, and it's a pretty decent counter to the supercharge 1-shot mechanical pets added in patch 5.1.
Can't be 1-shotted, due to the magic passive.
Flash is fairly reliable at making the enemy pet miss, and its basic elemental attack hits mechanicals for about 450 damage.
The on-click sounds are VERY faint. I could barely hear them even with sound levels maxxed. There was a slight water droplet sound, followed by a shimmering/sparkle sound.
so, does anyone else feel like they're being followed by a jellyfish like in Spongebob?