Enchanted Lantern

Enchanted Lantern
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Glows and hovers (constant)
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 7, 2010
The Enchanted Lantern formula is a BoP Horde only recipe, however the created item itself is BoU. The formula costs 20 hypnotic dust, and can be purchased from multiple Enchanting Supply Vendors located in the major Horde capitals.
The recipe can also be purchased from an NPC named Agatian Fallanos, located within the horde starting area called Dragonmaw Port in the Twilight Highlands. Note that the zone is phased upon entering, and Fallanos as well as other vendors will be inaccessible until players complete the initial quest chain for their faction. Twilight Highland quests have a minimum level of 84.
The Alliance version of this pet is the Magic Lamp.

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Middleground stats. Flash and Light is a nice combination, especially when the opposing pet can't switch. Burn hits pretty hard, especially nice vs mechanicals, else use Beam and birds will truly fear you even with your non impressive stats. If you chose to use Illuminate be sure to have some other pet that benefits from it since the Lantern itself does not make much use of it.
Identical to Festival Lantern and Lunar Lantern, battle wise.
theres a bug where u buy a blue version from AH and u learn it and it turns out to be green. just be careful of this before u buy
I leveled one of the Lamps up, gave it a magic stone, and it's a pretty decent counter to the supercharge 1-shot mechanical pets added in patch 5.1.
Can't be 1-shotted, due to the magic passive.
Flash is fairly reliable at making the enemy pet miss, and its basic elemental attack hits mechanicals for about 450 damage.
Its just that I couldnt wait for the price to drop to get it! The horde version is, in my humble opinion, more beautiful than the alliance version. :]