Jade Tiger

Jade Tiger
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks around and idles about. Also occasionally sits down.
Special promotion.
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: October 27, 2009
This pet was available for a limited time to all players on China servers if they log in with a character between October 19th and November 24th 2009. This gift is given out via an in-game mail to welcome players back to Azeroth after Chinese servers had been offline for several months. In addition to receiving this pet, logging in also also earns eligible characters the Jade Tiger achievement.
As of Patch 5.4.1, this pet is now a reward from the Recruit-A-Friend system in regions outside of Asia.
As of June 11, 2019, the Recruit-A-Friend program was put on hiatus, making this pet unavailable. It's unknown if and when this pet will be made available again.
Level 0:

1-17 of 17
1-17 of 17

Xu-Fu and Yu'lon got drunk one night and... well...
I found out last Sunday (April 12, 2015) that, Danish people can perform a RaF in-game and that way get this pet.
Note: Only down side is that you have to wait 7 days for the Reward.
I love this pet! The attacks are awesome :) defence as well. Worth it ;)
For so long, I've felt like Ralphie in the Christmas Story: looking in awe through the store window at the Red Rider BB Gun. With RAF, I can finally have one of the coveted tigers! Please advise me which you think is better: the Jade or Zipao Tiger? I'm torn! The Zipao Tiger is Breed 6, but has the same abilities as the Feline Familiar. The Jade Tiger is Breed 3, but has Jade Claw (+5% hit chance than Onyx Bite). Both of those abilities are fantastic against most other pets. What do you think?
Can't wait to get this as a RAF reward in 5.4.1!! :D
Very confusing pet for me...So many different posts on many different websites. Some say was restricted for China, other say it's possible ti get according to the pet journal that shows no restrictions at all. Anyone has an answerr about that pet or is it still a huge mystery ?
Any news about this beatifull one ? ^^
Well played all around and well deserved to those who have him! Id love to see some pictures and some idle movements if people have time :)
I wonder... *Pokes figurine, and jumps back when it snarls ferociously* AAAGH! D: