Golden Eye

Golden Eye
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers about. Occasionally shoots out a dark beam.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Patch 9.1.0 | Posted: June 29, 2021
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

found at 65, 42 - there are alot of these mobs around the stairs. respawn rather quickly and got mine after only 20 killsĀ
Found mine (65, 55), at 35 kills. I've been very lucky!
Just dropped mine: 88 kills!
Cruised the area around the stairs at 65, 55.
Listed for 350k on AH on Outland EU today ...I should coco!
Leet pet collectors dont buy pets!
We bleed for our art!
currently at 483 for my attempt according to rarity. came back to check to see if i did something wrong. I will say farming on my rogue has been worth it as i can sap some of the patrols. made a /target macro that will add a skull easy locating. long hours farming.
Been farming these seriously for 2wks. Not sure if they changed the HelswornSoulseekers but they are not showing elite at this time,but they still hit as elites! Around 64,51 by 3 sets of stairs in Desmotaeron. HelyasGrasp spawn there & you get the buff for saving a soul &collect 20souls for the weekly covenant quest in this spot, & Containing the Helsworn quest. I'm at over 800 kills(cry). IMO while Im stealthed they seem to spawn more quickly but that could be wishful thinking. ;)
Well, finally got him today. I have been farming it for 2 weeks for a few hours per day when I had the time. 332 attempts and blamo, he is mine today. Keep at it. You will get it too. In all the servers I play I have not seen this pet in AH at all. Would not have bought it anyway, likely 750K to 1M gold if for sale.
Dropped for me after 314 tries (plus some more before Rarity updated). The mob density allowed me only 3 kills every 7 minutes or so, so I spent a LOT of time farming this! Note, as an idle animation, every so often Golden Eye will channel some sort of "Maw Juice" at you. Makes me feel special.
Drops from the Helsworn Soulseekers (elite eyeball mobs) in Desmotaeron, 63, 65 in the Maw. There are about 5-6 that patrol around the elite level mobs. Drop rate seems really low.