Cross Gazer

Cross Gazer
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Floats about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017
Orix the All-Seer is an NPC inside a cave on Antoran Wastes (located under the eastern portion of the bridge spanning the fel pools).
Players can only loot Intact Demon Eyes when under effects of the Agent of the All-Seer buff. This buff can be obtained by clicking on All-Seer's Focus located throughout Antoran Wastes, or by using items rewarded for turning in Intact Demon Eyes (All-Seer's Draught and Gift of the All-Seer).
Players can only loot Intact Demon Eyes when under effects of the Agent of the All-Seer buff. This buff can be obtained by clicking on All-Seer's Focus located throughout Antoran Wastes, or by using items rewarded for turning in Intact Demon Eyes (All-Seer's Draught and Gift of the All-Seer).
Level 0:

1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Easy enough to achieve solo as a moderately geared level 60 (see my post in Wowhead - name of Paxford - to give you some pointers on how to get there if you haven't done any of the Argus quests first)
Check the other comments left there to show best farming spots. I got enough eyes for the pet after about 2 hours farming (then hung around to get enough for the toy as well)
I found the best spot was at the Putrid Laboratory, both levels - the Assistants died fast, and had reasonable droprate for eyes. Interestingly, I was about 200 short of the pet amount, and suddenly hit a sweet spot where they seemed to spawn extra fast and extra profitably.
They most certainly buffed the currency drop rate. took about hour and a half just above the spririt crucable. the mobs spawned nearly instantly.
Finally was able to obtain the 1000 eyes to buy this guy. The drop rate for demon eyes seems to have been buffed as I was able to get the last 400 within a half an hour farming the wyrmtongues in antoran wastes.
I looked all over the Antorian Wastes for the idol that gives the buff, it seems to spawn mainly in caves from reports. I only effectively found it 3 times in one spot and that is in that same room as The All Seer himself,
took me 3 idol touches to get 1k eyes but thats because i eneded my 2nd buff with 996 eyes. It roughly takes 2 hours to farm. The pet itself is NOT cageable.
Yeah but how does it battle? Is it worth farming 1000 eyes for?
This is one of the few pets with Nether Portal which is both strong and annoying. You can get this one with about 2-4hrs of farming pretty consistently (eg not dependent on high RNG boss drop).
One good farming spot is in southern Antoran Wastes near the Felfire Armory, where the world quest to sabotage 6 Legion bombs is. Pick up bombs from the green bomb piles and use to quickly AoE a bunch of demons here.
It's down below the bridge in a cave thats hard to see from above. Jump down and you will see it. Its at 59.56 44.98
To begin the farm simply locate an All-Seer's Focus in Antoran Wastes (possible locs). Clicking the altar will grant a one hour transformation buff at the cost of 90% of your max health (make sure you're healed up). This will substantially increase the damage you take from all sources (Engineers, beware using Nitro Boost) as well as make you KoS to Army of the Light NPCs near the beacons but allow you to loot the occasional Intact Demon Eye from mobs. Hand in 1000 eyes to Orix the All-Seer.
I could not find the shrine you interact with to enable the buff to collect the eyes