Lil' Flameo

Lil' Flameo
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Special promotion.
Limited time only.
Limited time only.
1 allowed
The War Within
Patch 11.0.2 | Posted: August 26, 2024
To celebrate 20 years of World of Warcraft, SteelSeries released limited edition WoW PC gaming peripherals. Purchasing the Aerox 9 Wireless: World of Warcraft Edition gaming mouse ($159.99 USD) also came with a pet code that could be redeemed for the in-game pet.
1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

I might not be bitter if the booster pack came with a choice of mount or pet rather than only the mount. Seriously, I don't want a wireless mouse—especially one that doesn't look like it even would be comfortable in my hand. On the other hand, my headset needs a booster; so horrible financial timing or not, I'd probably purchase it. Mind you, the booster alone costs too little to incur free shipping, so tack on an extra US$9.99.
Using the promo code WOWHEAD gives 12% off the base purchase price for all these promo items, though, which might be helpful to someone out there.
Any idea if the moveset is unique? I don't know how to find that info if a pet isn't in the in-game journal yet.
I've spent a lot of money to get pets, between store pets and paying to get Mini Tyrael when it came out, but this seems too much. $160 for a crappy mouse that apparently breaks after a year, just to get a pet.
Shame, and Lame..
Thats $232.00 Aus. Damn Blizzard and their make money at all costs, sponsorship deals.