Fetish Shaman

Fetish Shaman's Spear
Binds to Battle.net account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Battle.net account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Waves torch back and forth, occasionally leaps into the air and creates floating fiery claw marks.
» Video
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Special promotion.
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
1 allowed
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: May 15, 2012
This pet is a free gift for purchasing the Diablo III Collector's Edition. This edition was sold in stores (in limited quantity), but it can also be found on auction websites starting the week of May 15, 2012.
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I bought the game and activated the code but no pet. any suggestions? I am sorry "person who emailed me" I still havent figured out how to get this pet to load to my pet account but I am holding on to the game just in case it ever becomes clear.
He wants to show you his playroom.
By far one of the most obnoxious, noisy, annoying pets in the game. I LOVE IT!
Too bad it only comes in the B/B variety, but hey, it's exclusive.
Of the Voodoo Companions this is the coolest looking but with hands down the worst stats. Fetish and Figurine does a better job in PvP.
To anyone interested in obtaining this pet you are surely out of luck. He comes along with the D3 Collectors Edition and that is the only way he is obtainable.. If it is his skill set you are after, there are a few other pets that have identical skill sets such as the Fetish Shaman.
As far as usefulness in battles.. I don't really see a use for him honestly. His breed id is a 3 which is rather lack luster as far as stats go and his tool kit isn't the best by any means.
Oh and the main reason i came on here was to see if anyone else noticed the DIII animation he makes, that is very cool :D
Nice pet, though!
I don't want to play D3 but some of my mates don't want to play wow so I was hoping it was something we could trade?
Does a little Dance, throws a little fire, and makes a little sound. Overall look its pretty awesome and owning it is a plus.
But... No Feat of Strength o.o? Oh well, whatever, I'm having awesome pet!
His look is awesome, animations are great. But he talks A LOT! If you have him out, he is almost always making noise of one kind or another. Be prepared.
For those of you wondering where to get the shaman: If you have the Diablo 3 Collectors Edition, activate the game with your Battle.net account. Once the game is active on your account management page, the system should automatically recognize your WoW account and send you the pet in the mail.
Love this lil guy! I immediately thought about using my pet biscuits from children's week to make him bigger!
My main in wow is a shaman and my main in d3 will be a witch doctor, this guy is like the topper (not the icing) on the cake... lol