Thistleleaf Adventurer

Thistleleaf Adventurer
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about, occasionally hops on one foot.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Level 110 players can complete Broken Isles World Quests for different factions, one being the Dreamweavers.
Completing 4 World Quests associated with this faction will satisfy the objectives for the emissary quest that rewards Dreamweaver Provisions. Players will need to speak with Sylvia Hartshorn, who can be found in Lorlathil in Val'sharah, to claim their loot box.
When this pet's owner mounts up, the Thistleleaf Adventurer will mount up on its very own miniature fey dragon mount and ride alongside the player.
Completing 4 World Quests associated with this faction will satisfy the objectives for the emissary quest that rewards Dreamweaver Provisions. Players will need to speak with Sylvia Hartshorn, who can be found in Lorlathil in Val'sharah, to claim their loot box.
When this pet's owner mounts up, the Thistleleaf Adventurer will mount up on its very own miniature fey dragon mount and ride alongside the player.
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Note that the Thistleleaf Adventurer can drop from the Dreamweaver Provisions emissary cache, as well as the Paragon cache. So every time the Dreamweavers emissary pops up you have a chance at getting it, not just when you accumulate 10k Paragon rep.
I've been chasing this pet for months on 14 different characters, was beginning to think he didn't exist. Finally got him to drop last night on #13 for this round!
Finally got this pet, after months and months -I completed the emissary quests yesterday, but turned it in today.
I am happy to announce that you do not need to be exalted with the Dreamweavers to get this pet. I was only revered and did world quests and it dropped from Dreamweaver Provisions for me; I was so happy, because I been trying for months to get this pet.
does this pet really exist? been trying to get it for months now.
Finally got this guy in my emessary box today and saw him on his little fey drake! He's so cute!
IT HAS A LITTLE MOUNT WHEN YOU MOUNT! Sooo cute. Was happy to drop 17k on it lol