Ashleaf Spriteling

Ashleaf Spriteling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about, occasionally hops on one foot.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 10, 2013
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Feb 2025 and getting this pet still requires a lot of patience. The good news is I can confirm Leafmender still drops it, and Leafmender's schedule of showing up every hour hasn't changed, and the map drop pin is still accurate.
If you farm the Ashleaf Sprite mobs while waiting for Leafmender to reappear and your toon has herb gathering, they drop junk level herbs.
Use your magical mirror to transform to this pet then dance. You will be doing Soulja Boys Superman're welcome
I got really lucky. I got there, waited 4 minutes for Leafmender to spawn. Killed it, and there it was. This was at 11:03am on Borean Tundra.
Curious on this guy, what order would you use the wild magic/poisoned branch/thorns combo in?
Guess it can be pretty good vs mechanicals, but I don't really like it's collection of abilities. I only got the 333 power breed, and it just seems too slow and not very good to use for backline healing with Poisoned Branch.
Can hurt alot if you get off Entangling Roots and Solar Beam in the same turn, and your opponent can't avoid. Otherwise I just feel there are better pets out there.
Manage to snatch 2 of this little is P/P another is S/S.....think S/S is definitely the best...:)
5 possible breeds. PP, SS, PB, SB, BB.
PB is probably a good choice if you are concerned with breed. Also base quality should say uncommon instead of poor. Hope to get 1 of these soon. I wish he had another human attack.
A possible drop from the rare spawn, Leafmender.
Co-ordinates are: 67.30 44.10.
Leafmender's respawn timer is approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour. He has about 2mil HP but he's quite easy to kill. And as a bonus, you can collect a few Timeless Coins and amuse yourself by killing the non-elite Sprites around him while you camp. :)
I found mine after roughly 9 kills. I got the P/P build (which I'm very happy with) but I think the P/B would be a nicely balanced battle pet as well. And the extra HP wouldn't hurt, since these guys have quite low health pools as it is.