Guild Page (Horde)

Guild Page (Horde)
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Carries your guild's flag. Acts as a guild reward vendor (duration 5 minutes before despawning).
Reputation grinding required.
Guild membership required.
Limited to horde characters.
Guild membership required.
Limited to horde characters.
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 7, 2010
Horde Guilds can unlock this pet by completing the Alliance Slayer guild achievement (get an honorable kill on a level 85+ of each Alliance class and race). An Alliance version is available to Alliance guilds.
The Guild Page acts as a portable guild vendor, allowing players to buy guild rewards from anywhere. This companion shares the same cooldown as the Guild Herald, however it is twice as long (8 hour cooldown).
Members must be honored with their guild to purchase this pet from a guild vendor.
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Note: as of 23 Jan 2016, this pet may show as "uncollected" in the Pet Journal of all characters except the character that purchased it (and the tooltip at the vendor will not show any collected.) I've confirmed this as a bug for both Horde and Alliance version of the pet.
I also have stoned my pet in game, but it is not showing up on the website as being "rare". Is there a way to fix this, or anything? It still counts it as an "uncommon pet", which is making my score lower than it should be :(
Can these have a stone used on them to 'rarify' them? I tried, and the tooltip is blue, but WPC still has it listed as green.
I lost mine when I left my guild, maybe because I stayed without a guild for ages, but I had to repurchase him. I'm not sure when he disappeared, I know I had him for a while, but after MOP came out I rechecked and he was nowhere to be found :(
He does carry a really cool guild banner! Maybe blizz will fix it so we can have him out indefinately, but only use the vendor part for 5 minutes (/nudge nudge)!