Argent Gruntling

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Carries flag of your choice for a race of your faction. With Argent Pony Bridle, pet becomes a mailbox, a bank, or a vendor every 4 hours.
Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.
Quest: A Champion Rises (Horde)
Zone: Icecrown

Argent Gruntling
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your Argent Crusade gruntling.
This companion is rewarded after doing several Argent Tournament quests whereby players become a champion for a specific allied race. Speak to the boy and he will display the banner of any races with whom you are an Argent Tournament champion. Additionally, if he is present when fighting a champion, he will sometimes cheer for you when you win or cry when you lose.
As of patch 3.2, this pet may now be equipped with an Argent Pony Bridle. With it, the pet allows you access to a mailbox, a bank, or a vendor every 4 hours.

-If you're on a character of a race that wasn't yet playable during Wrath, the default faction you'll start working with is Orgrimmar if you're Horde, Stormwind if you're Alliance. After that you can do the other 4 factions in any order.
-If you do this on the Horde/Alliance and switch factions, you can get the squire/gruntling from your new faction for 40s from any stable master: use the dialogue option "I'm looking for a lost pet."
He's kindda ugly, his voice sounds like Kenny from South Park, but he's a wonderful pet to have on your main. Many times his trip to vendors has enabled me to empty bags in a raid or dungeon, especially when my Guild Page was on cooldown.
A shame only those toons repped with the Argent Crusade can use his services. If you are though, blowing your summoning horn for him, equipping your racial banners of choice on his back, and charging forth does feel pretty heroic...
Not a fan of collecting pets that don't do anything. Least they could make this kid throw a pet capture cage and say something stupid like "Gotta catch em all!"
He's showing as Uncommon on the pets journal, I tried to upgrade him with a Blue Humanoid Stone, and with a Flawless too, and the game won't let me do it (error message)... I remember I have done the same successfully for the Argent Squire, who's blue in the pet journal... so what gives ? Have they changed something ? Is someone having the same problem ?
I used a stone to level my Argent Gruntling to 25. Is there a way to allow this to display on the website?
Just a question guys: I play ally since vanilla and i dont like this pet, but now i have 601 pets and i need him, so i upgraded a panda horde monk to lv90 and im farming this guy. The question is: there is any problem to farm him as panda, since in WotLK there wasnt panda race in the game? I hope not cos i wont change race and waste money if possible^^. Ty for your help.
in-game showing as uncommon in my pet journal (not that it should make any difference but has been upgraded with a Argent Pony Bridle on my main)
in my complete list of pets on warcraftpets is showing as a rare
so do i use a flawless stone to upgrade it in-game?
Now showing as rare (along with darkmoon balloon and argent squire), hopefully we'll see the same with the other balloons / kites / guild herald & page soon!
i have him on my alliance toon, but does not give me credit as horde.. so im trying to get him on my horde toon.. but it does not show up from the vendor...
I had this guy on my alliance warlock and then factioned changed. I no longer have him. The apprriate mounts changed why not him? Is this something I should be opening aticket for?
I used a flawless battle stone on him, he shows up as rare in my pet journal now. Is there any chance of being able to record him as being a rare on here in the future?
Thanks for the Reply Breanni! "The problem is that the Blizzard Armory doesn’t show when battle pets are upgraded. And since we pull our data from that, if it doesn’t show up there, it won’t show up on our site. Until Blizzard fixes the issue, there’s little we can do."
If anyone has him on Beta, I'd love to hear if the Bridle is account wide or only the Gruntling!
Same principle applies here. Goblins can get this pet; the first reputation they can become a champion of, is Orgrimmar. You can then work towards becoming a champion of the other 4 factions in any order.