
Murkalot's Flail
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Flails mace around and falls over, occasionally summons a pillar of light before falling down or becoming dazed.

Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.1 | Posted: October 29, 2013
This pet was a free gift for US and EU BlizzCon 2013 attendees and purchasers of the Virtual Ticket. The gift card received by attendees may be scratched to reveal a code allowing all current and newly created characters on the account access to this pet. Virtual Ticket holders are mailed the pet directly in-game.
Level 0:

People who don't have are saying they should add righteous inspiration on a different pet but the people who do have this pet are saying no
A way to avoid this pets RI damage would be to have something like Smoke Bomb which always goes first even if the other pet has double speed and damage. A Sneaky Marmot is a perfect such pet even if the other team has a undead like Graves because you can use Blinding Powder to avoid some attacks while Chomping on the undead.
This pet is broken. I hope they add other pet with that Righteous Inspiration to not hate it so much, because its so cute :C
I'll trade for Murkalot! What will it take? Panteo-Zuluhed realm tagg818#1154
WTB this pet. Name a price, my battletag is Rig#2857.
WTB this pet!!! or rather trade in game pets and or gold for one i have nearly every TCG pet and a decent chunk of gold im on Misha Xanthern#1430 remember pets can be traded cross realm ty
If you see this pet in the opponent's team, look out for pets that have a high damaging ability. I fought a player that used Righteous Inspiration to switch with a Blackfuse Bombling to use Armageddon on the next turn. This nearly wiped my entire team. This combination can be undone by a stun on the targeted pet. Stunning the Murkalot will only delay the ability.
WTT Murkalot ( The Blizzcon Code ) for my Ethernal Soul-Trader. I am on Kazzak EU, want to make the trade? Add my battletag; Gasol#2309
Have an Awesome day! <3
easy peasy to defeat him (or counter) use any undead unborn valkyr or infected squarle is good because you hit like a truck not any truck a 500 weeler
The Murkalot/Blackfuse Bombling combo is incredible. Righteous Inspiration into Blackfuse, use armageddon. It ends up getting priority and deals 700+ damage (P/P breed) to each member of the enemy team. If you run an H/H explode variant, It's a near OHKO to any one non-tanky battle pet. Shame it doesn't calculate weakness or it'd be the ultimate beast annihilator. Play around priority protect moves (like anubisath deflection) and you can wreck face in PvP battling ALLL the time.
murkalot has few weakness and ALOT of potential to do damage and help his friends, he is a bit overpowered. go blizzcon 2013.
I wouldn't say nerfed at all. He still has plenty of potential with combination tactics. RB > Put in Unborn Val'kyr > Curse > Toss out whatever beatdown pet your rolling with. Loads of fun for PvE and pet catching that is :)
If you're a lazy pet leveler, like I am, and he's still not 25, here's how I'm leveling him up. From the time he was level 10 until top level, I put him in the first pet slot, and use Righteous Inspiration. He gets a round of combat, but doesn't get beaten on too much. I've been able to drag him from 10-20 without a lot of effort, and he's only died once.
This pet is showing on EU armory now, but it will not import to my collection here.
I sent in a ticket and from the response his talents were changed due to him being too overpowered. I am very disappointed with blizzard on this change. He was beatable, a bit more of a challenge. Some pets should be more of a challenge besides that he wasn't free. He isn't much if a good pet battler now..I'm sad they did this.
yea idk if the move set thing is bugged or if they intended to hotfix but didnt complete but this guy is almost unusable now bc the moves change from your pet book from when you go in battle. if i have bessed hammers, shieldstorm and righteous inspiration, the shieldstorm talent is being replaced by falling murloc but if i change my tier 3 talent to falling murloc i will get to keep shieldstorm. it seems as if all combinations are possible except for the shieldstorm/righteous inspiration combo
Yep his abilities have changed around. 2nd slot abilities now coming up in 3rd slot. WTH!
Has anyone elses move set changed since the reset?
Can this not be flagged for manual addition, like the Sky Lantern?