
Lurky's Egg
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Dances donning a top hat and cane.
Shuffling footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Limited to EU servers.
Burning Crusade Collector's Edition required.
Burning Crusade Collector's Edition required.
1 allowed
The Burning Crusade
Patch 1.12.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
*This pet was offered as compensation for an error (which was later corrected) that prevented EU Burning Crusade Collector's Edition owners from receiving their Netherwhelp pets.
1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

I can confirm that Blizzard is not giving out this pet any more. I recently (July 2018) went throught the TBC:CE activation process and Blizzard support sent a seperate email stating that Lurky could not be given to me as it was only available for a limited time. Pity.
I bought a ce a while ago, and sent the deatils to france. But i only got Netherwhelp sent me. Guess they a misstake in france. Im on a Eu server to.. I contacted a GM but they refuse to do anything about it. so sad right now, update. Two different Gms told me now that Lurky is no longer available.
Dispite the comment below me i still had to send in the barcode with a card from the tcg deck to france.
They did sort it really quick i send it 2 days ago and just now a gm contacted me it was sorted and pets be in mail if i restarted wow.
This pet IS still available, as of November 2014! I added the code to my Battlenet account today and when I logged in BOTH the Netherwhelp and Lurky were waiting in my mailbox. It looks like they have finally fully automated it so no more having to post things to France.
You can still get Lurky.
I sent my mail 2 days before xmas and received both Lurky and netherwhelp today.
Hope it helps!:)
I bought the CE on Ebay. You can't upgrade your account to CE through so you need to send a couple of things to France (EU). I had already thrown away the paper on the backside of the CE but luckily I managed to find it (stuck between an old diaper and some iceberg lettuce).
Read the support artice below for more info:
Enjoy your Lurky =)
Especially considering there are pets you had to log in on a certain date to get. So if you haven't been playing WoW for years, or happened to...I don't know, have real life interfere with the game you missed out and will NEVER get the chance to get that pet again. Just the way the game works unfortunately.:P