
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Occasionally yells and fears nearby critters.
Special promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 6.0.2 | Posted: October 14, 2014
This pet was a free gift for US and EU BlizzCon 2014 attendees and purchasers of the Virtual Ticket. The gift card received by attendees may be scratched to reveal a code allowing all current and newly created characters on the account access to this pet. Virtual Ticket holders are mailed the pet directly in-game.
Level 0:

1-17 of 17
1-17 of 17

Giants Blood only buffs the damage He does and not damage that is being done by other pets. GB is a wonderful quick heal and damage increase and if used in conjunction with other pets like Pterrordax Hatchling's Flyby(Swap by Feign Death) you can add even more damage to his abilities. Unholy Ascension might be an option too.
I haven't tested grommloc out with a proper team yet but he smashes any daily battle tamers. He eats up the dragonkin for breakfast. Literally a dragon slayer intended. Probably one of the better murloc pets. Out of my murkablo and deathy he takes the cake I think.
As I'm rating this I'm new to pet battling, but Grommloc has been one of the better ones I've tried so far. His ability to heal makes him last a fairly long time, and he has some really high damage moves, including the fact that his heal buffs his damage. Extremely good damage against either beasts or dragonkin. The only pets I've tried that are better than him are Son of Animus and Lil' Ragnaros.
Great for leveling pets, particularly in The jade Forest. Clobber -> Takedown -> Smash will kill many of the lower quality Aquatics before they can even attack.
rather disappointing
Maybe it was a glitch, he certainly hadn't done it before but when I was attacking an NPC he charged in and died.....I've only seen him do it once though but I watched him do it which I had screen shotted his poor dead body.
Love this little man great to help lvl new pets got him and Grunty and then the one i am lvling great team to help low lvl pets
I don't like how his right arm is inside his shoulder gear. They couldn't make that work properly? Really?
Although this pet don't do anything while standing around...but it will radiates an aura of fear that will cause critters around it to run away in fear...
Grommloc will roar (mrglglgl) when wild battle pets are around causing them to flee in terror (Fear) for 5 secs.
It's not P/P and no special animations... kinda disappointed.
kinda sad i have all but hte original murky and all are animated and have things they do, this year all grommloc does is stand around, makes no sounds unless you click him i hope this is a bug because its pretty pathedic considering
This year not only were the codes mailed to the Virtual Ticket people, but also to the Blizzcon attendees. If someone else bought your ticket for you, they have your code sitting in their inbox. Bug them. :D
Woohoo, just received mine! Leveling him up right now!
Mailed! P/S Breed.
They just got mailed out!
So, it's attacks are purely DMG based, except, of course, for Clobber. But, it's not as much P as if it were P/P. The combination of Vicious Slice and Mighty Charge, motivated by the health regeneration and P boost of Giant's Blood is still pretty huge. All that said, 330 P isn't half-bad and the extra S is useful with Clobber and Takedown, mirroring the powerful effects demonstrated by the P/P Kun-lai Runt.