Coldlight Surfrunner

Coldlight Surfrunner
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Players will need to access and complete Island Expeditions to collect this pet. The pet is not a guaranteed reward, and players may need to complete Island Expedition scenarios multiple times.
Level 0:

1-18 of 18
1-18 of 18

Finally got this to drop today after killing a lot of murlocs on the island exp. Cleared the whole beach with my group, and I think there was more than one rare killed. So surprised. It can happen so keep grinding!
This came up for me as a Treasure Map reward - now have to wait another day and a half for the mission to complete!
I got this pet a few days ago! I was so excited that I was finally able to get it.
These can be caged and resold on the AH. Can confirm these do drop from Murlocs (both rare and non-rares), as well as Naga (both rare and non-rares), as well as the rarer Gorlocs.
According to Blizzard, the NPC that's supposed to drop this haven't spawned yet. Blizzard finally decided that's kinda of stupid and expand the drop list to ALL nagas and murlocs.
Coolest looking Murloc pet IMO, got this little marvel from second Iland Expedition on my alt, killed one random pack of murlocs with elite, and there is no special Murloc events on ilands this week.
Blizzard probably upped drop chance for now to compensate for the first few month, so do not rush to buy first overpriced few on AH, just wait a bit, it will drop for you or prices will drop.
Edit: Already got 3 of those on AH, fom different people so prices should drop fairly soon.
Shout out to my GM who was working on an alt and has this drop for him today. He hit me up with a text, "Do you want this?", Hell yeah I want that. :)
Thanks Devin!
Saw it on the AH today and scrambled to put the gold together from my different characters to snag it... sooooo it is definitely live! Not sure how the drop rate is looking though.
just got it at my 2nd IE after fix, nice :D
Yeeeeey i just got it! From a rare "normal" Murloc, not one called surfrunner.
On normal diff =)
These are dropping now.
"There are different Murloc tribes in Azeroth, and so far, the kind of Murlocs that could drop Coldlight Surfrunner have not appeared on Island Expeditions."
"After our earlier tweet, we are working on a hotfix so that the Coldlight Surfrunner can drop when ANY murloc type is present on an Island Expedition. Furthermore, we're simplifying this entire system in Tides of Vengeance. More details on that soon."
This pet has not dropped for anyone since the specific mobs who open its loot table has not appeared in island expeditions thus far. It has been confirmed that there’s various Murloc tribes. just read this from Warcraft devs.
I put in a bug, report.
Something has to be up as, it seems as though it has never been seen at the AH and noone seems to have it.
having reread the main page for this pet, has anyone tried to kill mobs in the water around the island? i will be trying tonight but it says they where common in the oceans.
As of today i have run on 10 toons over 3,500 island expiditions and can fully say ive seen every pet thus far on the island exp list drop except the coldlight surfrunner thier are a few rares glitched ive seen only in the water naga portal . however i honeslty believe that its a drop chance mistake or this pet is seriously glitched. i beg all people on this site place a bug report/askign wow gms to take a look at this battle pets drop rate or the mobs they drop off of. hopefully this will fixIt
"has anyone gotten this? I occasionally see the mobs in reef expedition but im sure there's something missing" On the main page for this mob, you can see that 0.0 people on this website have this pet, so at this time, this pet is not dropping. However... there are theories that you may need a combination of specific islands, the correct mobs, even that it might have something to do with the spirit guide and some rare murlocs being ghosts (matching the flavor text) and may need a trigger.
has anyone gotten this? I occasionally see the mobs in reef expedition but im sure there's something missing