Moonkin Hatchling (Horde)

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Occasionally will throw a flower at the player's feet. Dances with players who initiate /dance with it. Also sometimes hops up and flaps its wings.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Players can emote /dance while targeting Moonkin Hatchling and it will dance with them.
Limited to horde characters.
This pet is available for digital download exclusively from the Blizzard Store. It may be purchased using any major credit card. Players who purchase this pet will receive a code which may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one will have access to this pet. Codes may also be purchased as gifts for other players.
As of Patch 4.0.6, the Moonkin Hatchling will fly along side a player mounted on a flying mount.
In 2010, proceeds from Moonkin Hatchling adoptions went to charity. It generated over $800,000 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Does anyone have any updated information as to this pet being bugged? I have a level 2 version and am unable to use it to battle at this point. Thanks in advance for any other information!
As of 5.3, when you buy this pet, you will get the 2 version of this pet, one sent to the first Horde character you login into and one to the first Alliance character you login into.
If your on a Horde character, you can not summon the Alliance version of this pet, put the Alliance version of this pet into your battle pet party, nor can you go into a pet battle if you have this pet already in your battle pet party. Vice Versa
Having both versions of this pet only counts as 1 unique ingame, but 2 on this site.
Not sure if it is a bug or intentional but my Horde toon has both the Alliance and Horde versions of this pet. They are both counting towards my pet achievments as well. However while my horde toon does have the alliance version I can't summon it.
Plus he grows flowers randomly to bring cheer and smiles to your day.
He is the best! I love my little Moony (As is the name i have given mine)