Moonkin Hatchling (Alliance)

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Occasionally will throw a flower at the player's feet. Dances with players who initiate /dance with it. Also sometimes hops up and flaps its wings.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Players can emote /dance while targeting Moonkin Hatchling and it will dance with them.
Limited to alliance characters.
This pet is available for digital download exclusively from the Blizzard Store. It may be purchased using any major credit card. Players who purchase this pet will receive a code which may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one will have access to this pet. Codes may also be purchased as gifts for other players.
As of Patch 4.0.6, the Moonkin Hatchling will fly along side a player mounted on a flying mount.
In 2010, proceeds from Moonkin Hatchling adoptions went to charity. It generated over $800,000 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

The biggest downside to this pet is that you have to level each version of him separately.
Do you have to level the Alliance and Horde versions seperately, or do they both level at the same time (i.e. if you level one does the other one gain levels as well)?
#Mobot: Its abilities are themed to be various druid abilities, which don't neseccarily combo so well together for pet battles.
This pet's abilities make no sense. It has Solar Beam - which gives bonus hit if the weather is sunlight. The third ability is Moonfire - which makes it moonlight. What's the point?
my druids main pet, of course, even though ive glyphed my druid to turn into the starform. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
Since there are no MoP information on this Pet. As of 5.3, when you buy this pet, you will get the 2 version of this pet, one sent to the first Horde character you login into and one to the first Alliance character you login into.
If your on a Horde character, you can not summon the Alliance version of this pet, put the Alliance version of this pet into your battle pet party, nor can you go into a pet battle if you have this pet already in your battle pet party. Vice Versa
it's very cute to have your hatchling out when your druid is a boomkin and use the /dance emote on it -- the synching is hilarous!
Having both versions of this pet only counts as 1 unique ingame, but 2 on this site.
Gm response "Thank you for reporting this to us. Our development team are aware of this issue and it will be corrected as soon as possible.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused."
EDIT: This has been fixed in 4.3! This comment can be reported/removed since it's not true. ;)
[Edit] Upon further investigation I've proven myself wrong. The pet does indeed fly along behind you on ground mounts before you've learned the flying skill.
One thing I noticed and liked is that when you summon it, at least on alli, your hands glow blue/white. And the flower it made was different in Northrend than in Azeroth.The northrend one was icy blue and the other one was red with white or yellow markings in it. Haven't tried outland yet.
Edit: Baw, okay so the flower is kinda random but its still a great thing the minime does ;D
If you target him and type /dance he will turn to you and start dancing the Moonkin dance :) He also randomly drops down a flower and flaps his wings takes a short flight off the ground then lands with a little thud :)
Love him!