
Uuna's Doll
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Upon completing the 'A Dark Place' scenario and 'World Tour', Uuna will respond to the /hug emote.
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017
Players must first obtain Call of the Devourer, and then collect 3 different items to create a Bone Effigy.
Uuna is not a 100% guaranteed drop from The Many Faced Devourer.
Unna is a non-combat companion and cannot participate in Pet Battles.
Uuna's Continued Story: In Patch 7.3.5, players are given the opportunity to help Uuna find some closure and defeat the darkness that hunts her.
There are two parts players must complete (in order). The first involves helping Uuna prepare to fight the darkness, finding Uuna, and finally helping her defeat the darkness. The second part involves taking Uuna on a 'World Tour', taking her to specific locations. Throughout these steps Uuna will receive an updated appearance, eventually donning a flower crown and holding a wand and doll. She keeps this new look even after completing all necessary steps.
Check out this Wowhead Guide for a full walkthrough of the process.
- Imp Bone - (65.89 19.42) Located in the Den of Fiends (same cavern system as Mother Rosula) in northeastern Antoran Wastes. The bone can be found on the ground in front of the second imp mother's pool of fel.
- Ur'zul Bone - (50.39 56.15) Located next to an alter and a large bone spine protruding from the ground at Collector's Hovel, northwest of the Felfire Armory.
- Fiend Bone - (52.37 35.33) Located behind a small pool of fel at Scavengerss Boneyard, south of The Spirit Crucible.
Uuna is not a 100% guaranteed drop from The Many Faced Devourer.
Unna is a non-combat companion and cannot participate in Pet Battles.
Uuna's Continued Story: In Patch 7.3.5, players are given the opportunity to help Uuna find some closure and defeat the darkness that hunts her.
There are two parts players must complete (in order). The first involves helping Uuna prepare to fight the darkness, finding Uuna, and finally helping her defeat the darkness. The second part involves taking Uuna on a 'World Tour', taking her to specific locations. Throughout these steps Uuna will receive an updated appearance, eventually donning a flower crown and holding a wand and doll. She keeps this new look even after completing all necessary steps.
Check out this Wowhead Guide for a full walkthrough of the process.
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I was lucky enough to get on my first attempt. BUT while doing her quest chain I failed that creepy part un Northrend where you have to ward off ghosts. Now I can't get back there for the life of me, I tried various things and alts but she just responds to nothing so I can't try again. I'm bummend because I was doing this whole thing to get Ba'al...
The cutest pet ever !!! And her storyline in order to get Baa'l is simply EPIC !!! Blizz, love you for her and her’s story !!! /hugs for everyone from me and, ofc, Uuna ;)))
She dropped on my second kill. Not bad. Now to complete the quests.
Got her on my first attempt, they must have upped the drop rate. Omg her story line is long but very worth it imo because her teddy, wand, and flower wreath are adorable on her. If you finish the whole line after you rescue her she even will /hug you back. I suggest you watch a guide on youtube on how to complete it.
Does anyone else feel bad when you're mounted and this poor little girl is chasing after you? Hasn't she been through enough?
I have this but cannot find it in my pet listing. Very strange.
I unfortunately didn't realise that this pet can't be traded, so I asked my husband to come and help me get it.
First try he got it! I'm still trying ages later :(
I have farmed every day for this pet and I still don't have it. Haven't seen it drop in any groups either. >.<
Been after this pet with my bf on our mains for three days, it dropped twice for him in that time... I'm thinking it's a bit too soon to have a feel for its definitive drop rate and what's just bad/good luck just yet.
As for taking down Many Faced Devourer itself it's not particularly hard, we took it down as a marksman hunter and a discipline priest and we did pretty alright, most annoying part was getting feared so much, would recommend doing it as/with a tank though to save time.
Took 140 tries but she finally dropped.
@Codger - the search appears to be bugged, shows up when you type "uun" but if you extend that to "uuna" she no longer shows up, as if the spelling is set up incorrectly in the blizzard pet database.
edit - i find it irritating you cannot reply to comments on pets where you've already commented but the aboev is in response to the recent (Dec 2017) post.
This pet is not as common as you would think, or others on here would lead you to believe. I have killed this mob two times every day on 2 different characters since the patch has come out. That is over 40 times and I haven't seen the pet. I now have a third who is killing it starting yesterday. Don't get your hopes up. *Update*. I still do not have this pet. I have easily killed this guy over 100 times across 3 toons with no pet.
A recommendation I would have is (currently) the Lightforged Warframe from the Vindicaar is pretty powerful against Argus World Bosses and this demon beast is no exception. I was able to burn it down pretty fast.
I did something close to having a friend along to spawn it. I have 2 accounts and spawned it from my second account for my primary account. I had the alt account as a Hunter so a built in tank with good DPS, then my main account cycled through characters of who were able to get there.
I never realized she was a ghost though, sorta sad. I got her today on my overall 8th try, so I would agree not incredibly rare. Good luck!!
I found the Devourer easiest to solo on my afflic Warlock. Much tougher and slower with my prot Paladin. However, it's a well travelled area, with several WQ close by, so it's very likely you won't have to solo it for long before other people pop up to help take it down.
Took me at least 10 summons to get it to drop, rate is decent but not SUPER high
You only need to create the effigy once on a given character to be able to repeatedly summon the Many-Faced-Devourer that drops Uuna's doll, so if you don't get the drop, you can try again the next day without needing to collect the Call of the Devourer and bones again.
Right now (right after 7.3 launch), as with most Argus rares, you should probably be a tank if you intend to solo the Devourer. This will probably change as our gear continues to climb toward the end of the expansion.