Treasure Goblin

Treasure Goblin's Pack
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Pulls out sword and waves it about.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Special promotion.
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.2 | Posted: December 10, 2013
This pet is a free gift for purchasing the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition or the Digital Deluxe. Players must first purchase the original Diablo III before they can buy Reaper of Souls.
When the Treasure Goblin dies in a Pet Battle, his death animation is similar to that of a creature dying and dropping items in Diablo III.
Level 0:

This little guy has to be one of my favourite pets. I don't think I've ever seriously battled with him, but he looks great running around after me. :)
Can anyone confirm that you get this pet when buying Deluxe edition for PS4?
Q: Do I need to sign up for a account to play Ultimate Evil Edition?
A: No, a account is not required to play Diablo III on console. However, owners of Ultimate Evil Edition will be able to link their console network accounts with, which will grant them legendary rewards and bonuses!
Working on leveling this little guy up; so far, I'm still laughing at the Diablo equipment spill he does when he dies...and although I can't explain it, I'm fascinated by the fact that he's a lefty. LOL (Watch his idle animations and you'll see what I mean. ::wink:: )
An underestimatd pet who is fantastic at PvP or PvE pet battles. Weak alone, but his real trick is to put wild magic on the enemy, make them greedy, and then portal out of the battle (allowing a stronger pet to come in unharmed). The stacking +Damage recieved buff adds +105 damage to each attack +50% and works amazingly with any ability like swarm. The 3 hits will do about 600 damage and then the next round will hit for 1200, killing the enemy.
REal CoOl pet a definite stand out amoungst the crowd. a Worthy Warrior in my collection
Treasure Goblin looks pretty awesome with Glyph of Shadowy Friends.
He drops coins with a "cling" noise as he runs after you
Pretty funny when he dies, he drops gear like in Diablo. Got a chuckle out of it
Arlara - those of us that have our Goblin purchased the Deluxe Digital game from the Blizzard website and were electronically given our pet.
Those who ordered the Collectors Edition Box must wait till release day to get their box with the code to redeem the pet.
How do you guys receive your pet? When you say you get it in the mail, do you mean as a loot card? I'm curious, because I'm thinking about buying Diablo, then turning around and selling it to someone, but keep the loot card.
Can it be caged?
Got it today in mail , going to level it fast , think its a cuty :)
Had fun leveling him today. He's the only pet I actually enjoy seeing get killed due to the spilling-loot-everywhere animation. His Portal ability is nice - dodge to sink those nasty attacks (I'm looking at you Pandaren Water Spirit) and then switch out and let someone else finish the job. Need to figure out what other two pets will work well with him for PVP battles.
HOW do I get this pet? o_O
Gotta catch 'em all... ;)
Just dinged him 25 this morning - He is HS breed from what i can see:)
When he is killed in a pet battle, he explodes into coins and Diablo gear just like he would in the game Diablo. Super funny.
Just got this pet today, Have to say, hes adorable! I love his idle coin toss animation which is quite frequent and leaves a tiny gold coin on the ground temporarily. He also throws his sword in the air and catches it in his treasure sack, be warned he has 3 animations and is on the noisy side :) battle pet wise his skills are pretty nice, looking forward to leveling him!
at Level 25 he has 1546 health 260 power and 289 speed,I got him today and leveled him, My armory slot 3rd pet slot empty but he is in it lol. most of my friends have not recivied him yet. I also ordered it the first hour the D3CE came avail to order
It HAS been a while since I've played Diablo - 2, before 3 was brought out. But, I have a son with two young children, and he can't afford the monthly charge for WoW. I can buy it for him and snag the Goblin on the way past! :D
Don't worry Se5s. You're not the only one. I never set foot in Diablo; never will. :\