Sunborne Val'kyr

Sunborne Val'kyr
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Reputation grinding required.
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Players will need a reputation of Revered or higher with Valarjar before being able to purchase this pet.
Completing quests in Stormheim will reward Valarjar reputation. Max level players can complete World Quests and complete Valarjar Emissary objectives to earn large chunks of reputation.
Completing quests in Stormheim will reward Valarjar reputation. Max level players can complete World Quests and complete Valarjar Emissary objectives to earn large chunks of reputation.
Level 0:

1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

Not a good pet for PVP at all. Surge of Light is only good if the weather is darkness, but darkness nerfs his healing via Restoration and racial ability. He's also too slow to have much use in the current meta. If you want a Surge of Light + Darkness combo, use Twilight. Especially because Twilight can cast Call Darkness himself without relying on another pet for setup.
Very solid pvp pet. Seems to work well as a finisher behind a Call Darkness pet since he can heal backline damage that may have been taken.
pretty nice Addition to a darkness or sunlight team
Her look is amazing! Even if you aren't in fond of battle pets, you should really get this one just for her look.
She is also already rare once bought and comes with Mini Tyrael's moveset.
Could be an interesting addition to a darkness team with two pets having Call Darkness. The guaranteed stun would be frustrating to deal with.
A nod to Sunborne, a dedicated poster of US Pet Battle forums while these were active.
The Val'kyr, once being merely an idea, had its own story and abilities including a separate thread. While Blizzard couldn't follow it entirely, it seems that the original description has predicted some general ingame plans (Spoiler alert?).
I've only two concerns here, regarding the recolour and Tyrael's abilities. But still one'd envy!
☼ The Thread ☼
See also Sunborne's account here! :)
well holy spc just got a new pet of choice!!