Stunted Yeti

Silently roars and idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
Can be found near Feral Scar Yetis south of Dire Maul.
Level 0:

i am on the Dalaran realm or server. I am at the location and gone through the cave like 3 to 4 times and it is now going on 630pm eastern time zone. And, I do not see one single stunted yeti. and no other wild pets in the area either. I have not had any trouble before with locating a wild pet. I only have limited issue until I can afford the Legion upgrade. Any other possible advice to find this pet.
I was extremely lucky and got a rare one my second battle; found the rare in the cave as well as a uncomon outside. I also realized it takes a while for them to respawn, so if you go there and there are none you might be waiting a while.
After an hour i finally found a rare one - and then an untimely crit killed it. ;__;
Caught one today, uncommon quality, moonguard surver 7-13-16 at 1:48 surver time, i saw 2 more around, and left them for other people if others get the change to grab em.
If you Stun it allows you to switch to another pet and start the round at the same time as the other person. This pet is useful in stacking damage with the Mangle ability if you have battlefield Dots in play.
Lots and lots of yeti's! On Alexstrasza server around 12:30 AM. Not much luck finding a rare but plently of uncommon and comons in the larger cave.
Must have been luck, got a rare (H/B) at the first try at 51,57, in the cave. There were several other people farming for these at the same time. Staghelm @ 8:15PM server time.
Just decided to give this one a try. Checked all outside and couldn't find a thing. Went in the tunnels ad as I was killing everything, there was the paw print. Got me a green one. 4:16 pm Pacific
and tonight i found one rare. I captured it, and went on battling pet nr 2 on his team, a snake. i had my terrible turnip and i used the dot ability on the snake, then he burrowed and i did the same,THEN THE POWER WENT OUT, yes thats right,all the eletricity in the house went out and i was like nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
fate what has thy done unto me!? somehow the game kept me logged in and finished my battle, and i logged back to a sweet little blue fella among my pets
I was able to find two Yeti this morning, one uncommon and one common, at ~7:00AM EST. Despite what I have seen pretty consistently through the comments, these two Yeti were not in the caves; rather, they were a short distance outside of the shorter cave/tunnel entrance, somewhere in the general area of 52 60 coordinates. Be sure to check both inside and outside of the caves.
I went through all the spawns in the cave and found one rare but I accidentaly killed it :(
I hate when that happens
I got humanoid stone this morning and nothing really to burn it on. So I did a lil research, there isnt alot of humanods to use a stone on. I didnt have 1 of these yet, got a poor as soon as i got there and noticed numerous others around, 15 mins i had a rare. Still got the stone but i am gonna use it on my sons Ashleaf Spriteling that i gave him. Eitrigg realm, 2pm server time.
Interesting pet, but with slightly askew stats. 273 speed is not really enough to take advantage of Thrash and get best use of Bash. 273 power is just slightly too low which makes Punch and Ravage feel weak. Mangle lasts for 10 rounds so that buff will be useful for more than just the Yeti. Ideal would be if you could breed a P/P and/or S/S version, then this could become a really powerful pet. Right now it's just avarage.
Lucky day, got a rare Yeti, rare rabbit and a pet stone. A message mentioned to try early in the morning or real late at night, parked a toon in the cave's and checked back, on the third day snaged him, WARNING: if a Stunted Yeti is close to one of the Yeti in the cave the battle damage will kill them, So I had to run up attract the Yeti , then turn and run a ways away from the Stunted Yeti so the battling didn't effect them! Good Hunting !
Just snagged a Rare as the primary at 56 / 57 after 2 Uncommons and a Poor.
Took me a week of checking back. One time the cave was full. Lots of poors and commons. I stumbled on an uncommon, snagged him and stoned him. Works really good against dragonkin. Nice pet. Hits like a truck, him, my tonk and proto drake...almost unbeatable.
This is one of my favorite pets for battling those additional critters and dragonkin that pop up after the primary is tagged. He can take a lot of damage and he hits hard. He can one-shot Dragonkin with the Haymaker ability. When I looked for him I had to check back several times because they are not a continual spawn. It took clearing two spawns to capture the H/B rare. They only come in H/B breed so if you capture a rare, you are done! Good luck!
I went looking for my own tiny yeti today, and everything was great for the most part. It is 3pm on a Friday, and the caves + outside the caves was dotted with these guys. My second battle was a rare H/B, situated right outside the cave opening; easy catch. Only problem I had was that every single yeti I battled was H/B. Being a fan of speed and/or power, health/balance is not exactly what I want... it was strange. I can't imagine owning a powerful version of this little tank, that would be awesome.
This fellow is excellent in battling... in fact, I've actually soloed Lucky Yi a few times (lucky times) with him. I also use him in the Fire Elemental battle. His haymaker, when it hits, is absolutely devastating.
Found mine last night on Sentinals server. I had an alt parked on Exodar for a few days looking for this lil guy but never caught the spawn. I was feeling a little lucky last night on my main so I took a fly by and there was one outside and 4-5 in the caves. Third was rare, yay!!