Sporeling Sprout

Looks around and idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in Sporeggar.
Level 0:

Got my rare on my 16th try (I think)
I was camping here trying to get the breed I wanted...hopefully in rare...
I thought I would pet down some notes here:
1) This is right near a Horde base. Horde have easy time getting here, alliance take longer.
2) They are only in and right near town on land. Even if in total there are a decent number of spawn spots, it appears this gets farmed often.
and the reason for this:
3) Take your breed if you see it.
I thought that it would take me forever to find a rare one, but luckily I stumbled upon one on the second try ! Such cute little fellows these are ^^
Upon entering Zangarmarsh for the first time, I sttled down in a safe place and read up on the beasties to be found here. I flew directly to the spawning area indicated on your map and got a rare on the very first sporeling that I battled. It's always gratifying NOT to have to grind and grind to get what you want (which also makes the other grinds inherently hopeful knowing that lightning could strike at any time). :)
I hunted around Marshlight Lake on Kilrogg for about ten minutes, and they started respawning. I had to battle four to find the rare, but he was there. My first "Ninja" pet!
Took the first one in the middle of the "circle" and it was a rare (Y)
After being so emotionally involved in the plight of the Sporelings back in BC, it does feel a little weird to capture one of their children and send him off into a series of deathmatches, but.... OH WELL.
I actually flew to the location and there was a rare one right in the middle of an enemy faction town. Caught it right away and then died. Worth <3
Very good humanoid pet, many breeds to chose from. P/P with 325 power or S/S with 325 speed are obvious choices. If you chose power, you can take Charge and still go first. S/S has a bit more advantage with Crouch. Use Leech Seed to be even more durable. Or go with a Moonlight team and use Creeping Fungus, possible partners Nether Faiere Dragon and Infected Squirrel. All in all this is a winner, and very durable with Crouch, Humanoid racial and Leech Seed.
Can people recommend which breeds are best for this guy? I found a rare H/S, and was wondering if I ought to keep it, or continue my sporeling genocide until I find another one. >.>
First time there, there were around 10 sporelings around. I checked everyone and forfeited, last one was a rare. Wasn't there for more than 10min.
Got my rare (B/B) lvl 17 after 1 hour trying. It was the only one left \o/.
Goldrinn - 02:10pm
spent almost 3 hours out here last night, no rare, logged in today, first one i get is a rare. 17.54, just outside sporeggar. good luck. lvl 17
I came up tonight and after about 2 hrs got a rare...behind the NPC Gzhun'tt It is now 4:21 am on Zangarmarsh server. There were about enough in the Sporeggar village area but most were gray. One other person was trying. Weather was mostly dry with occasional rain during my time here. Even though I had humanoids I bought, this one was the first to count towards my achievement Family Reunion. Thanks for comments! I read up before coming out. I love this website :)
CUTE! Attacks are the best EVER, and, see my comment on the Restless Shadeling to see what pets this pet should be teamed up with.
UPDATE: Poor is the one I have! Works GREAT!
I just caught this guy 1:15 pm PST on Skullcrusher. I first arrived at 1:11pm and found none around Sporeggar. So I read the advice of the other commentors and flew around and found one battle to kill time.
I found a Sporeling Sprout exactly next to Mycah, Sporeggar's Quartermaster. I was also extremly lucky that my first spawn was a Rare!
Suffice to say, I fought'em, I caught'em and I'm glad I got'em!
*90 Panda Monk, 2737/3000 Neutral - Sporeggar
Someone said on wow head that you might have to be friendly to find these. I was unfriendly with them and I found two of them on my way out for other pets. I accidently killed one then there was another one. It was poor but glad I have one. Also, I found them on the outskirts of Sporagar.
Found a Rare standing next to the Battle Master in the Sporeling Village. He leveled up very quickly and he packs quite a punch.
I use him as my main "go-to" for dragon fights. Throw down some 'shrooms, hit 'em with a leech seed and then power hit with the jab! He was soloing mobs very early on and with the self heal I had hardly any downtime waiting for the healing timer to reset.
Was flying around Sporeggar at 12:27pm server time, read a comment that says these spawns every 15 mins, so I waited, at 12:30pm server time, a few spawned, clicked the first one and got a rare xD I was at 19.49, 54.16