Qiraji Guardling

Ground (hovers)
Looks around and flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
The Qiraji Guardling will begin spawning on the first day of summer.
Starts spawning: June 21
Stops spawning: September 23
This wild pet can be found at The Scarab Wall and The Scarab Dais in the southwest area of Silithus. The guardling can spawn on either side of the wall, and all the way up to the portal entrance of either instance.
Level 0:

This thing absolutely SLAPS in battles! I use it to help level my other pets bc it's just been all-around awesome. I run the setup as: Crush, Sandstorm, Reckless Strike
Make sure to switch the zone to before the scar, I got a rare one on first attempt
Solid pet. Humanoid + sandstorm is always a great combination. If you're into PVP, make sure to get the SS breed. The combination of speed + blackout kick is very useful. But if you don't have SS, it's not worth much.
These are up for 2021! Snagged one and finally finished Zookeeper achievement. Thank you everyone who has posted about their adventures.
Happy this is up- with regard to accidentally killing off the pet instead of capturing it, this is where the Singing Sunflower and other plant elementals are great. Using Sunny Weather, Photosynthesis, and the first slot Vine attack, even if the elementals are lv.25, allow for low dmg and an easy catch even though it takes some time.
Qiraji Guardlings are now up for Summer 2020
These are now available to catch again as of 21st June 2019.
They are still up this evening if you were procrastinating as badly as I was!
Probably worth mentioning, since the sword in Silithus the guardlings will phase when attempting battle. Talk to Zidormi to revert to Silithus of the past. Should solve the problem.
Captured a Rare in Silithus at the gates before entering Ahn’Qiraj. Took about 6-8 battles to find the rare. There were plenty of them hovering around.
Just got my P/P Rare - Happy Summertime all!
Just captured a P/P.
Summer has officially begun!
Been checking steady this summer, no sign of them. :(
Just got one today - Happy Summer everyone!
They are back! Started spawning at midnight on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.
I appears that this pet does not always spawn. Today is June 20, 2016 and ofically the first day of summer. There not spwaning. I'm guessing the spawn date is hard coded to June 21 and not the offical day of summer that any given year.
@Mightyruler It's not summer anymore. The won't be back until summer as that's the only time they spawn. Right now is the time to get the snowey owls
both areas are void od qiraji guardling
17 dec 2015
I have come across 2 rares this morning and both times my pets killed it before I could have the option to capture. Level 16 Iron Starlet one-shot killed it and level 16 Lesser Voidcaller had it down to ~400 hp and killed it. I feel sick inside.
just got mine.
:) i didnt remember seeing them before, so when i did, i started catching them. and i have one green one now. really happy.