
Truesilver Shafted Arrow
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Hovers about.
Vocalizations (on click)
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007

Truesilver Shafted Arrow
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss Kwee Q. Peddlefeet.
As of 2010, Peddlefeet can now be purchased from various vendors during the Love is in the Air event for Love Tokens. In previous years, it was a random drop from a [Gift/Pledge of Adoration: {City}]. Once per hour, these items were able to be obtained by speaking with one of that city's guards while wearing perfume or cologne.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Level 0:

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Lovestruck + Shot through the heart on this pet will make short work of enemy dragons with his high speed. Very strong counter pet. Weak vs most enemies.
adorable! and with an ability named Shot Through The Heart i'm sold ^_^
Oh God, it burns my eye! Kill it with fire!!
Rapid Fire is very nice combined with Call Lightning, since it hits each opposing pet twice for double lightning damage. But if you are down to the last pet, then Rapid Fire pretty much sucks and you won't have another basic attack to go with. 325 speed and Lovestruck stun is very useful to have in PvP. Last slot, well a super quick but slightly small heal or a huge wind-up type move, your choice. All in all a pretty solid humanoid pet, especially the speed wins out.
This pet is similar to Mini Tyrael their ability look same
He's a favorite of mine for pet battles, and worth a quality stone to boost his stats. The Rapid Fire ability is amazing during a lightning storm. Even though most trainers switch pets while one is stunned, Shot Through The Heart is great when timed during a fly/dive/burrow ability so there is no wasted turn. I always use this guy at the start of the fire pandaren elemental battle, even when uncommon he can kill the dragon in 3 turns.
Everyone who pvp battles should have this pet he can take down dragonkin in 1 shot and as everyone normally battles with at least 1 dragonkin then its a wise choice.
However be aware that his hit points are low and hes very hard to lvl due to lack of dragonkin out there .
Another good place (if you don't want to set up a raid) is to ride over the zombies where you do the Battle Before the Citadel.
The Love Tokens are easy to aquire by completing the 4 dailies at your 4 home cities, you must give a Lovly Charm Bracelet to their leaders to complete the dailies, to make the Bracelets, you'll need 10 beads which are obtained from any kill that awards you xp, remember to pick up the Charm Collector's Kit from the questgiver Kwee Q Peddlefeet.
Of course, I did that last year, and I still didn't get him…
So whenever I got bored i would go walljump on top of the Stormwind Auction house and create earthquakes where no one could see me. I would enjoy seeing people yell "Why is the ground shaking?!"
He's from a vendor now, so we all get to feel the <3!!
Edit: deleted my wee hours of the morning post... ah sweet sleep!