Pandaren Monk

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Yawns, bows to owner, and does periodic Kung Fu moves. Also responds to various emotes.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
Players can emote /bow while targeting the Monk and he will bow back. Can also emote /drink and the Monk will sit down and drink.
As of 2023, this battle pet was retired from the Blizzard Store, and instead was added as part of monthly rotating rewards for the in-game Trading Post feature.
As a part of the Pandaren Monk's summoning animation, its owner will chug from a drinking stein. Additionally he responds to /bow by bowing in return and /drink by sitting and having a drink with his owner.
This pet was also available as a FigurePets collectible (series 3).
In 2009, proceeds from Pandaren Monk Blizzard Store adoptions went to charity. It generated over $1.1 million for the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

This pet (along with Blossoming Ancient and Soul of Aspects if it comes to Blizz store) is simply AMAZING !!!! Focus Chi (which has ONLY 1 round CD so can be used EVERY 2nd round !!!) along with Fury of 1,000 Fists can melt down almost everything in the game !!!! I am so amazed with this outstanding pet. ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE, even though you have to pay for it, IMHO 10 $/€ is VERY decent price for it though ;))). Do NOT hesitate and GO FOR IT !!!! Well well worth it !!!
@Oshocka Yes that does seem to be a odd mix of needed spells. Remember that Elementals ignore the Darkness so you wont have any advantage of stunning them. Darkness seems pointless because you need another pet to set it up and it isn't a 100% Hit chance(Like Nocturn Strike) at that point. Plus you never really get to make good on your Focus Chi. You can't Stun, focus, and headbutt to get the extra damage because the stun is off...
Focus Chi then 1000 fists is hard to beat. His top 20 ranking is low in my opinion.
I hope they come out with a female ver of this
Got him when he first came out because of the charity. At the time, I was a little upset because I thought it nixed the idea of either Pandaren or monks becoming playable.
Since Mists came out, I named him Junior and have him following my female Pandaren Windwalker.
counter is simple a fast high health undead will do so you do alot of damage and your the first to hit
so i thought the monk teamed with any pet that can do call darkness would be unstopable but i can not seem to connect the flury of 1000 fists. with call of darkness up it reduce my hit to 85% BUT i seem to miss a whole lot more than i should. has anyone else noticed this or is it just me. the only thing i usually connect the fist move with is a critter that is immune to stun. i think blizzard is cheating
I named this littly guy Bruise Lee to pay homage to the legendary Bruce Lee, his animations are cool, and he's interactive when you /bow to him or /drink with him. He's awesome! Battling, this guy is a bruiser! My favorite sidekick along side my Pandaren monk toon, if only I could find a matching outfit, they would be twins. Plus, you can't go wrong with Make-A-Wish! Good job Blizzard! I would love to see future variants, such as different colors and a female, a ninja, or a samurai! Love this pet!
This is the third pet I usualy have in my level 25 PvP team, It will distroy any dragon it comes up aginst. If you dicide to get any pet from the blizz store for battling you should choose this one. wiht Focused Chi and Fury of 1,000 Fists it will one shot almost every dragonkin pet in the game.
GREAT pet! (as with all the Blizz store pets) His "Blackout Kick" will ALWAYS force a trainer to swap pets, so dont expect to use the double damage punch unless the guy youre fighting is down to his last................................................. Love the heals, and he makes great noises! a solid staple to my Capture team!
I have a story about this little guy: I was traveling along the risky roads of Duskwood, and my Pandaren Monk, named Hawanna Jr., and he started to do his little moves. I looked out to see what it was, and I remembered I had took him out. I then saw a Horde on a rage on me, and he was about to get me with a Slowing Attack. I activated my Speed Forward Spell, and I got away just in time! So, a hint: To travel safely, is to travel with a Pandaren Monk!
He will become one of your favorite pets to summon and follow you around in town. I love his personality as a vanity pet (amusing karate kicks with vocals) as well as his effectiveness as a battle pet. If you are into this part of the game he is worth the purchase. Not only a designated Dragon killer but a real attention getter since everyone that runs by wants to stop and look at him. Fun little addition to the game.
His blackout kick is awesome if you need to switch to another pet or it adds extra zip to his jab.
While I love his chi-focus to add power to his jab, I do wish blizzard had given him the "first use wind-up; second use bam!" ability much like Fluxfire Feline and others have. That would have freed up a slot to give a self heal. He does have a damage reducing ability, but I would have preferred a self heal. He is afterall a monk.
It's so cute and is such a strong pet :)