Ore Eater

Red Goren Egg
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Players with any skill level of Mining (even as low as 1) can harvest ore veins in Draenor, however it's not necessary to have this profession to loot the pet.
Looting ore from either nodes in Draenor or from the garrison Mines (does not require mining) can occasionally spawn a Goren Protector. This creature will drop a number of ore, and has a chance to also drop the pet.
Looting ore from either nodes in Draenor or from the garrison Mines (does not require mining) can occasionally spawn a Goren Protector. This creature will drop a number of ore, and has a chance to also drop the pet.
Level 0:

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Been farming this and the nightshade sproutling for almost every day for the last 4 months on 9 characters, but the npc that drops em never spawn. Any information if Blizzard removed them from the game? Btw bought both on AH for 7-8k gold today...
Recently I bought one from AH (Burning Legion) for... 10G :))))). Apparently seller either didn't know what is he/she selling or was drunk :P. It only prove, how important for pet hunters is checking AH on daily basis (even few times a day). Day after I also bought Dark Whelpling for... 3G !!!!! Maybe same seller :P:P:P. Lucky me :))))
I have an L7 SB and wanted a faster one so I got an SS at the AH. Then I wanted to sell my SB for whatever I can get and when I go to it in my inventory, the Put in Cage is grayed out. Also, when I've put pets in cages before, it always just says that. This time in parenthesis, after put in cage, it says battle slot. What's up?
Can I still get one of these or are they gone from the game?
Pygmy Direhorn
Ore Eater (p/p)
Moon moon (s/s)
Give speed to whole team and then trample them over with this composition.
Have 20/5 w/l ratio so far with this team.
(Slight problem with undead)
S/S is so fun to play! You can get your shield up before most pets can attack.
I have 8 level 100's with level 3 mines. I mine the mines semi-regularly. I mine around the jungle when i'm there with my main. Protective Goren's spawn ALL the time. But do they share their eggs? NO! I think they are selfish not to let me steal their young ... :(
just got mine today, was mining a node in earthshaker gorge completeting a HJ daily, and it dropped of goren that spawned from node
Paid 1k gold for it, well worth the purchase
Can confirm this pet drops from Goren that appear after you mine a node in level 2 mines. So no need for the skills or a level 3 mine.
You do not need mining as a profession, actually, you can get him as well from your daily mining route in your Garrison mine. My mage has herbalism/inscription professions, however, when I was mining a node in my Garrison mine, a mob spawned from the node, and the spawned mob dropped the pet.
This little guy is a direct counter to enemies using the Molten Corgi & also works very well as a part of a Plagued Blood / Touch of the Animus team. The S/S breed is excellent in PvP battle pets & is very difficult to kill when used properly.
I just got one from my level 2 mine. A Goren popped up while I was mining ore and dropped it. My toon does not have the mining profession.
Do these only drop in a lvl 3 mine? My mine is only lvl 2 atm.. but I have ore up to my eyeballs and wasn't going to bother upgrading it.. but if it means it will drop the pet.. then i will.. thanks for any answers :) I really want this pet!!!!
Picked one up in the AH, I am pleased with him over all. Has a nice set of abilitys.. Over all a good pet..Just 1 request Blizz. He needs to Roll. That would be Awsome.
Any thoughts on best breed?
UPDATE: Having leveled and played around with him a bit I would like to suggest that S/S is an excellent breed. Getting Shell Armor off before your opponent can make their move is incredibly powerful. It's also worth noting that Shell Armor negates the recoil damage you're supposed to take from Body Slam making it a potent, low cooldown nuke. Very strong pet!
@Ferrin, The guards keep the wandering Goren out of your mine. I've still gotten Goren spawning from nodes I mined in my Lvl 3 mine.
@Morthya, I know it's hard to believe, but there are folks who don't collect pets. I would suspect those in the AH are from folks who don't care about pets and just see it as a quick way to get some gold.
The goren that spawn in your mine are not the same ones that spawn from mining the ore nodes in your mine. The regular ones that just hang around don't drop ore (they don't really drop anything), whereas the ones that spawn when you mine do. So I don't think it matters how well your guards protect the mine. But this is just based on the description here.
The question about mines, My mine is level 3 and the guards do patrol BUT, the Gorens frequently kill the guards. Otherwise I have yet to see this drop either from "Wild nodes" or Domesticated Nodes (ie Mine). Oh and the description of how to get this pet mentions herbs instead of minerals.
Does anyone know what the estimated drop rate on this is? I've yet to see one, despite mining loads of wild nodes as well as those in my L3 mine :(. there appears to be loads on the AH though.
Ferrin - don't worry, I still get Gorens in my level 3 mine :)
WoW's equivalent to Diablo III's Treasure Goblin. ;)
Ore Eater Goren?
Goron? Legend of Zelda? Eats rocks?