Mini Tyrael

Binds to account
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Hovers about and falls asleep in mid air. Also sometimes does an enrage effect on waking.
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Vocalizations (on-click)
Players can emote /dance while targeting Mini Tyrael and he will dance with them.
Loot code required.
This pet was a free gift for attendess of the 2008 Blizzard Worldwide Invitational. A gift card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing a single character access to this pet. However, the item that teaches the pet's summon spell may be mailed to other characters on the account. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Edward Cairne (Undercity) or Ian Drake (Stormwind).
Tyrael responds to the /dance emote by dancing with his owner. As of patch 3.2, he'll also occasionally fall asleep in mid air.

Watch the BMAH. I have a hard time a small IRL fortune on pixels.
It is a great pet and it even has an iddle animation where he sleeps midair. You can also trigger that sleep animation with the petbed toy.
Proud to join the club of the owners of this Legendary pet! He is my favorite pet ❤️
If only I had bought one when they were that cheap! Now we're looking at over 2k! I can't justify spending that :( if it was still 800 I would have but there is always hope and love seeing other peoples comments and having theirs out :D I am in the crowd always haha
Edited 11.11.2023: today on my late fathers birthday, Ive scratched and adopted this little one! it took a few years but it finally happened. I love watching him. Happy birthday Daddycool and ty for the luck to get him <3
He is not showing up in the pet list anymore. I've asked my guildies to look and no one can find him in their lists either. Was he removed from the game? What happened to him?
Lucky enough to own this little guy as I attended Blizzard worldWide Invitational :3
I was lucky enough to actually attend the World Wide Invitational while living in Germany and got him. This pet is amazing in battle, and I had no idea people were spending so much money on him!
That Omnislash ability is a further reference to FFVII? :)
I love Mini Tyrael, so he was one of the first pets I started using in PvE battles for the sake of aethetics mostly. But, he's very solid against critters as they're weak against him, and with his heals he can take a lot of punishment (which also makes him a good choice for when you're trying to capture). He is terrible vs. beasts, however, so I keep a mechanical on the team or my old standby Emerald Whelpling for wild pet battles. He's a dragon destroyer. I haven't tried PvP battles, so unfortunatley can't offer any comments on his performance there.
This pet is one of my most favorite pets. I was fortunate enough to obtain him in August this year off ebay for the bargin price of $600USD. I did 2days overtime at work to pay for him because I wanted him in my team so bad. My workmates said I was crazy to spend so much on just pixels in a game. But they just don't get it. Looking at the price of him now it's the best decision I ever made. Only 1.2% of members here have him adding to his rarity. Love my mini Tyrael :)
I saved money and bought him! =D A lot of women I know buy purses that are 4 times what he's priced (lucky and got him for $660!). I never spoil myself on expensive purses, shoes or anything like that. He's truly unique and cute and well worth it. He sleeps, he dances and he scratches his butt. Not to mention good in battle. Needed to make sure I make him mine while they're still some to get! XD I figure I can always make more money, but they will never make more Tyraels.
Mini Tyrael can be teamed with almost any kinda of pets to form a good team...because of his abilities like surge of light with frequent stuns, 100% stun, and heal or charge...
P.S It is good to use agianst 1vs1 Anubisath Idol. Usually wins every fight agaisnt 1vs1 Anub* most of the time.
IMO they should leave stuff like that out of the pet battle system and achievements. If it can't be legally obtained in-game it should be a pure vanity item.
And yes, he is cute, but still :).
I kick myself every day.
Regrettably, I'm one of those on the outside looking in; my best chance at snatching a piece of awesomeness is throwing $900.00 at eBay. Or maybe we'll see a reemergence with the upcoming Diablo 3 collector's edition? Make it happen, Blizz.
Park yourself in Dalaran, give him a pet biscuit, and just watch the people flock around him.
More than any other pet ive seen in game, he really knows how to draw a crowd! (Just make sure YOU have a cool RP outfit on too so he doesn't get ALL the attention.)
It's also one of the few pets that people still whisper me, asking where I got that "awesome pet". One of my faves, for sure - and the best thing is I was given it by a colleague who went to the Invitational!