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3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.2.2 | Posted: September 1, 2015
The Grumpling is a possible drop from Snow Mounds in the Winter Veil daily questing area in Frostfire Ridge (between Daggermaw Ravine and the Bloodmaul Slag Mines flightpath).
You do not need to pick up the holiday dailies from your garrison to be able to loot the pet; you can travel straight to the questing area and begin looting.
Multiple Snow Mounds can be spawned at the same time. They are first come first serve and will despawn when someone loots them, but they have a fairly quick respawn time.
You do not need to pick up the holiday dailies from your garrison to be able to loot the pet; you can travel straight to the questing area and begin looting.
Multiple Snow Mounds can be spawned at the same time. They are first come first serve and will despawn when someone loots them, but they have a fairly quick respawn time.
Level 0:

I don't know what the true RNG is, but I got on (P/P) on the second snow mound.
@Datha - You may want to double check the "Grumpling" you got out of the Savage Gift. According to Wowhead, only "Minion of Grumpus" item drops from the Savage Gift. It's a 1/100 drop which I have yet to get. 50k on the AH!
Effectively a cageable Kun-Lai Runt -- albeit with some minor differences. The Grumpling lacks Takedown and its subsequent syngergy with Deep Freeze, but compensates with the addition of an Elemental primary attack to function better against Mechanicals. It also lacks the Runt's powerful Beast abilities in exchange for Gift of Winter's Veil.
All in all, it's a really nice Battle Pet. A P/P Grumpling would fit nicely even on a roster that already has a Runt.
I've had luck on my server selling the P/P breed despite the glut. The way I've done this is to learn the pet, and then crate. When you list the crated pet on the auction house, folks can tell what breed it is. Most listing are just the pet, so you can't tell what breed it is. Price has gone down, but I'm still getting 500-900g for the P/P breed, uncommon quality, L1.
I got one in a savage gift a couple of days ago. Then for fun tonight I farmed snow mounds for about 45 mins and got 9! Apparently RNG is my friend tonight, haha. A mix of ps, pb and pp, all green. Looking forward to my first battle.
do blue rare grumplings drop ? or do u have to use stone
Level 25 breeds/stats (haven't encountered any other breeds yet)
P/B = 1506/305/249
P/P = 1441/341/236
P/S = 1441/305/265
Considering the length of time for this holiday pet to be available and the relative ease in retreiving it, it will be one of the more common pets available. I suspect that before too long, green prices will drop below triple digits. While my first one leveled to 25 and turned blue (Ghoulardi would be proud) fetched 15k on A52 yesterday, it's dropped precipitously below 10k today for a like kind. Large to begin with, feeding it properly should make him massive.
I was thinking this would be a rare to get pet... after 30 minutes of poking mounds on my druid and hunter last night, while competing with the 70,000 people on Mal'ganis, I had 6 of them.
Then, this morning, a guildie sent me a tell saying he got 20 overnight. When I last checked the AH prices had already tanked.
If you are trying for one and having a hard time due to competition... there is always the cheap AH alternative from the looks of it.
Still hoping to find him after over 250 snow piles.
27 snow piles farming one spot
Found my grumpy little fella after about 30 mounds which was not too shabby.
As luck would have it just leveled up my Druid yesterday to 100 and upgraded garrison so a quick upgrade to rare followed by a nice boost to 25 and the fella is looking good.
Does a nice elemental chill-stun-hit combo all frosty of course with snowballs in for fun.
It took me at least 90 snow piles to finally get one. I hear a lot of people say they got it after 5, or 10, tries so its very random.
As of this posting I've farmed up 9 of these pets.
3x P/S
3x P/P
3x P/B
I have not seen any other pet breeds spawn or be reported at this time.
It took me at least 20 piles of snow in the quest area to get mine :3 P/P not too bad.
Simple farm, though early on competition is fierce for those snow mounds. I recommend hanging out towards the far left side of the snow area (left of Grumpus), near the rock cliff, and just watch from a flying mount; there's about 3-5 different mounds that spawn, about one at a time, with two grumpling mobs that sleep in the area. Clear'em out as they spawn to maximize visibility, and then when a snow mound appears you can swoop down and nab it. One spawns under a grump from time to time fyi.
Lucky to get this - tried about 4 (before other players got to snow mound first)
This pet can be caged. The drop rate doesn't seem too horrible, I was able to locate two in about 30 minutes. Mind you the players running around reminding you why you don't like a lot of WoWs population make the hunt a little more difficult.
@Roastednuts: Only Green Grumpling's drop so you have to use a stone.
-Savage Gifts(Or whatever) have a slight chance of dropping the mount-
-Snow Mounds have a 45 second CD
Visit your holiday quest giver and she will show you were to go in Frostfire Ridge. The snow mounds have a chance to drop this pet or an assortment of snowballs.
Got a P/B breed from the small snow piles in the quest area (quests picked up in the garrison) in Frostfire ridge. It took me about 10 to 15 snow patches to get it. Not bad at all!