Globe Yeti

Idles and looks about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017
This wild pet spawns one at a time inside the giant snow globe in Ironforge and Orgrimmar during the Feast of Winter Veil in-game event. The Globe Yeti runs very quickly and can be tricky to engage into battle. The respawn timer is roughly 30 minutes.
Level 0:

I caught a rare one on the 4th try pretty happy about that :D
Easy peasy now in 2019. They changed the re-spawn rate, and I caught all three of my Globe Yetis within five! minutes (first day of Winter Veil, at 6pm)
Don't forget to use a target macro and Interact with target key bind. Also as a friendly reminder, the Globe Yeti will be level 1-3. So in order to capture him, you'll want to have a pet with Weakening Blow or Superbark on your team.
Good luck and Happy Holidays!
I camped the snow globe for 40 minutes (exactly). So don't give up if the clock ticks passed the half hour mark. Good luck!
I missed him, will be possible to catch him next Christmas?
I am used to seeing the paw over the pets you can battle. This fellow didn't have one, so I never even thought to check.
I was a little redundant with my group - I had the Terrible Turnip (Weakening Blow) and the Molten Corgi (Superbark). Low level - mine ended up being level 3 after I caught it.
More than one person must be able to click on this and engage in battle. I know I am not that fast at zeroing in and clicking also several other toons were in the globe with me. I got first shot all three times I went for him.
First time I was unprepared and took a pet line up too strong and had to let him go. The next two times I got a poor and uncommon but had two humanoid stones and made them rare. Nice pet.
Used the macro however went one step farther set the macros to my mouse wheel to scroll up and down. Caught a rare my first go after 15 mins.
Got mine using the macro and keybind. Only one other person there though. Level 1 Uncommon.
I knew the /Tar and /interact w/tar strat BUT I didnt think of the Terrible Turnip. Good call there. I used a lvl 1 Scraps to chew him down and brought in a lvl 8 cavern Moccasin for the trapping. Got him first trap. lvl 2 Poor Quality. Love this site!
Damn. I've been out of the loop for a few weeks. I need to get this little guy.
If you're dumb like me . . . definitely take note that this pet is low level (1-3) and don't go in with a team of level 25s. Otherwise you're going to wait forever and hate yourself (for at least half an hour) :(
Anyone else a little disappointed this looks so similiar to mechanical yeti? I was really hoping for one that looked like mechanical greench but isnt temporary :P
Dreamshaper, upgrade them to rare with a stone and that will fix the ?? and show their breed. Don't need to level them, just upgrade to rare.
I captured 3 Globe Yetis but 2 of them have ??? as breed. Should I release them and get more or will this correct itself?
Just wanted to point two things:
1) You can catch him rare quality! yay
2) Sadly there are more breeds than lists.. :( So the hunt continues.. I hot P/B, H/S and H/B so far.
EDIT: warcraftpets says they all are P/B.. hmm.. maybe Battle Pet BreedID is lying..?
I got one tonight. Came at 12:45. He sure is fast
2017 Love u guys and dolls. Following ur advice:
Thanks for the macro+interact bind idea on this pet.. there's almost zero chance of missing a spawn if you're spamming it. A side tip for those who haven't got it yet, looking at the globe as a clock dial with 12 being north this mob always spawns at the 1 o'clock position just slightly outside the globe and then runs inside of the globe on a southwest pathing.
Alonso2, thanks to the macro and your instructions I was able to catch it my 2nd attempt (1st using the macro and interaction of target).
Grey quality but nothing a quick rare stone won't fix!
Thank you for all the helpful comments below! - I created a level 1 gnome in a low populated RP realm (Thorium Brotherhood) and ran to Kharanos (flightpath to Ironforge is auto for additional toons it seems) - had my macro /tar globe yeti and my key binding set up - got there and immediately caught one! (very important you use a Terrible Turnip or something equal with weakening blow that won't reduce Yeti below 1 point health)