Curious Wolvar Pup

Curious Wolvar Pup
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009
World Event: Children's Week
Quest: Back To The Orphanage

Curious Wolvar Pup
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss a Curious Wolvar Pup.
This pet is rewarded via the mail after completing a chain of Children's Week quests that begin in Northrend with the quest Little Orphan Kekek of the Wolvar. This quest may be accessed by characters level 70+. Take a look at our detailed walkthrough for help obtaining this pet.
Level 0:

Illumnati is incorrect. Simply go to a pet trainer and claim your "Lost pet" if you have recompleted the quest since then. See my collection... I have 2 so far.
Any subsequent completions of the questline either with the same character on a following year or a different character during the same year has a different reward. You can only have one Curious Oracle Hatchling and one Curious Wolvar Pup in your pet journal ... unless you already had more than one prior to the launch of Mists of Panderia [@Unknownhand]. Also to note is that once you add the pet to your journal, there is currently no way to remove it.
Awesome pet. I wreck teams with this guy.
Sometimes this pet get veyr lucky with trap and it gets going like a boss ...can kill 2 other pets with easy ..sometimes ! ;D
When I close my eyes at night, I see this pet being grouped with an Electrified Razortooth and some kind of squirrel.
I always wake up with soiled pants and a little bit of vomit in my mouth.
It hurts.
325 str yes please! Only trap move outside Lil'Raggy. Right now traps are quite powerful since there is no real way to avoid it, perhaps Arcane storm or try a critter(not that fun to do vs the wolvar though).
Maul hit for a ton, to many opponents surprise, especially when you got the opponent to bleed.
If you don't like the trap, Frenzyheart Brew is a great substitute. +25% dmg on already high power attacks is quite excellent.
Downside, no defensive moves at all, other than trap stun.
The first pet I levelled to 25 and still my absolute favorite. He's great in a Blood In The Water team and a brilliant way to boost other pets vs the critters around Half Hill. He can also single-handedly (with a bit of favor from the God Of RNG) take out Lucky Yi.
Totally had a brain fart and forgot to get this guy this year...*sigh*...well, at least now I have a reason other than getting the last Shat pet for the get all 3 achievement to do Children's Week next year.
Me too, first stone I got was for a humanoid which was sweet since I wnated to upgrade him first!!
Was just able to upgrade this guy with a Flawless Humanoid Stone.
Level 11 stats are 672 HP, 143 atk, 114 speed
Do you think it will be available this year since I didn't get to do it more than once? I would really like to get the wolvar pet too.