Baby Winston

Baby Winston
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Beats on chest, scratches backside, occasionally adjusts glasses. Rarely enrages, grows larger with glowing eyes and fists. Rarely throws down a small force field and holds an electric device.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Other Blizzard Game Title Collector's Edition
1 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.2.3 | Posted: November 17, 2015
This pet is a free gift for purchasing Overwatch Origins or the Collector's Edition of Overwatch.
Level 0:

1-15 of 15
1-15 of 15

I'm looking for this guy. It looks like he's unavailable now?
Its confirmed that you can still get the Baby Winston pet if you purchase the Overwatch 2: Watchpoint Pack from Blizzard store?
Not only is he adorable but he is my go to pet for most battles. Also great for using as the battle finisher pet when leveling lower level pets because you rarely have to heal him. LOVE Baby Winston!
So, here is how I got him cheap (10€, WAAAYYY cheaper than in Blizz shop, which is 40€ ;)). I went online and seek online game shop in country which is cheaper than western europe (since I'm polish I chose polish shops to look at), I found Overwatch GOTY edition for roughly 10€ (it's in polish currency so exact price in euros is hard to establish), ordered it, waited until package come (as it was physical copy), typed code in battlenet app and voila-got Winston ;))).
So. Just got him today and oh my mercifull Pete. HE IS THE MOST PERFECT THING I have ever seen. Winston I will love you forever and ever.
His barrier (which looks absolutely amazing) even blocks the damage inflicted on himself when using his Body Slam. Most adorable pet ever. And while not as overly powerful as the last cross-over pet (Graves), he can still hold his own.
When idle, he'll pound his chest as any other ape, but he'll also use his primal rage and get all electric.
This pet is as strong as he is cute... Such a strong PvP little bas7ard
Rarely do I rave about a pet but Baby Winston is just so adorable I want to reach through the screen and hug him. His animations are cute, he looks like a little brainiac, and he's a pretty decent little fighter. If I never play Overwatch he was still worth every penny I spent on the game.
Just went into the game 4pm CDT 4/19
I was hoping that Winston would be delivered to those of us that pre-purchased OW when the beta went live. No joy. :-(
I take it winston doesn't come out till the game does? anyone besides me gonna buy Overwatch just for Winston? I have zero interest in the game, and my hubby is in the beta. Just not my style. But...gotta have the pet. I mean, really....nerd gorilla! It's priceless!
I wish I could get this little buddy but I won't even be able to play Overwatch as the beta gave me motion sickness. Will have to just move this most awesome looking pet into Exclude and not look at it haha.
i want this 1 bad this needs to be a hunters pet
Barrier Projector blocks ALL DAMAGE* to EVERY pet for 2 rounds. Any poisons, Dots, bone storms, bleeds, or Cyclones will be absorbed. *All but damage above 237. This one ability basically negates most multi hit pet strategies while BW pounds on the other team.