Rebellious Imp

Rebellious Imp
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Does flips when idle.
3 allowed
Patch 7.3.0 | Posted: August 29, 2017
Mother Rosula can sometimes be the objective of a World Quest of the same name. The battle pet is not a guaranteed drop.
To summon Mother Rosula, kill imps inside the cave she resides in. Collect 100 Imp Meat and combine to create Disgusting Feast. Use the Feast to summon her.
This pet has two possible colors it can come in when summoned.
To summon Mother Rosula, kill imps inside the cave she resides in. Collect 100 Imp Meat and combine to create Disgusting Feast. Use the Feast to summon her.
This pet has two possible colors it can come in when summoned.
Level 0:

1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

Running through here yesterday with my Legion bodyguard Aethas Sunreaver for like the 15th time farming this little guy and he finally dropped. What a humbling experience for an NPC xD
Took me 45 tries to get this guy.
Note that this imp can randomly appear grey or purple each time it's summoned, so you don't need to collect one of each.
Terrible drop rate, 30+ kills and still no drop.
The P/P version is very strong. His immolation paired with black claw makes him even more deadly and portal goes first making him a frustrating opponent for certain faster undeads. One of the better investments on the auction house if he does not drop.
Mother Rousula is a tough fight. She summons more Imps and they agro up from below. She has a dodgable conal attack, when she starts waving her arms in the air...Move! I recommend bringing your Tanksuit (War Frame) or a group w/aoe.
How to summon is on the General tab. But I'll repeat, "its not a guaranteed drop." I've got six kills and no Rebellious Imp. But then, I'm famous for being on the wrong side of the RNG gods.
What really sets this apart from the Fiendish Imp is its power breed with Portal. Get Immolation running and safely port in your next pet. Those 90 damage ticks will proc the Humanoid heal through shielding that the speed breed Fiendish Imp can't with its mere 260 power.
In addition to its backline mischief it hits like a truck. We're talking potentially 544 non-crit damage in one turn. Paired with Stampede or Plagued Blood the Rebellious Imp can be a force to be reckoned with.