Guild Herald (Alliance)

Guild Herald (Alliance)
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Carries your guild's flag. Acts as a guild reward vendor (duration 5 minutes before despawning).
Reputation grinding required.
Guild membership required.
Limited to alliance characters.
Guild membership required.
Limited to alliance characters.
3 allowed
Patch 4.0.3 | Posted: December 7, 2010
Alliance Guilds can unlock this pet by completing the Profit Sharing guild achievement (loot 100,000 gold from creatures). A Horde version is available to Horde guilds.
The Guild Herald acts as a portable guild vendor, allowing players to buy guild rewards from anywhere (4 hour cooldown). This companion is on the same cooldown as the Guild Page.
Members must be revered with their guild to purchase this pet from a guild vendor.
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Can this no longer be upgraded to rare? This and 4 other non-combat pets in my collection are not rare and don't seem to be upgradeable.
I just bought my Horde Guild Herald and a Marked Battle stone but when i try to upgrade it say invalid target and does nothing. I had no problem upgrading my Alliance Herald. Any ideas?
RE: Having "both" Horde and Alliance versions: I bought them on my Alliance character, but when I log onto Horde (where I can buy them) I can already summon the Horde versions. The pet journal shows me as missing the Alliance versions, and vice versa when I log over. (I do not have this problem with the moonkin.)
Note: as of 23 Jan 2016, this pet may show as "uncollected" in the Pet Journal of all characters except the character that purchased them (and the tooltip at the vendor will not show any collected.) I've confirmed this as a bug for both Horde and Alliance versionof the pet.
Just wanted to thank those that commented about the guild pets not showing up as Rare on Warcraftpets after being battle-stoned. Was wondering why they didn't seem to be showing up properly on the site. Now I know, heh. Because of this, I think I'll hang onto my other Humanoid stones just in case I need them for other pets. :)
Just Confirming that battle stoned Guild herald and battle stoned Guild page will NOT import correctly into warcraft pets database from the battlenet arnmory.
I have battle stoned BOTH of these companions and they BOTH show as rare (Blue) in my armory profile and also in my in-game companions list. Nevertheless they import into Warcraft pets as if they were still uncommon (green).
Somebody asked how players might have both Horde and Alliance versions of these pets. If you are a member of a guild of each faction that has earned the pets, you can have both. It's that simple. SMH at faction "loyalty." One misses so much of the game if one doesn't play both factions.
How is it certain members have both the horde and alliance version of these pets?
So, I've had a lot of Flawless Humanoid Battle-Stones. I used one on herald. He got upgraded to rare in the pet journal in game but didn't get upgraded here in warcraftpets. Didn't really work to raise my score a bit :P... just in case you were thinking about that.
Case in point, I hit honored late last night. Got the pet. Summoned him, and logged. The next day I logged on, and for some reason when I hearthed to Stormwind he got "called" again- thus resetting the timer though I'd not chosen to summon him!