Argent Squire

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Carries flag of your choice for a race of your faction. With Argent Pony Bridle, pet becomes a mailbox, a bank, or a vendor every 4 hours.
Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.
Quest: A Champion Rises (Alliance)
Zone: Icecrown

Argent Squire
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your Argent Crusade squire.
This companion is rewarded after doing several Argent Tournament quests whereby players become a champion for a specific allied race. Speak to the boy and he will display the banner of any races with whom you are an Argent Tournament champion. Additionally, if he is present when fighting a champion, he will sometimes cheer for you when you win or cry when you lose.
As of patch 3.2, this pet may now be equipped with an Argent Pony Bridle. With it, the pet allows you access to a mailbox, a bank, or a vendor every 4 hours.

I wish he had a pack and would loot the stuff I kill. I mean he runs fast enough...
Redtony, my Alliance pet iis available to all my Alliance characters...
Just for giggles I used a stone on him, but still only shows him as uncommon. Is this because he can't battle? Either way, should fix it as I'll eventually stone all non-combat pets if for no other reason I like blue better than green :P.
With the Argent Pony, I enjoy having this companion pet. The only think I dislike about it is the cooldown and the limited amount of time he'll be performing the function I choose to use him for. Even though he cannot battle, being on an rp server, though I don't rp anymore, he goes perfectly with my magic using lock "knight-errant" [made him as a parady and opposite of the character from a book, who classified magic users as evil].
Jaxal - I thought I had the same problem, until I realized that none of my balloons or kites were showing either and did some hunting. Turns out that in my pet journal filters the "Can't battle" choice wasn't selected. Once I added the checkmark back to it, the squire and others showed back up fine. I use the petjournal enchanced addon.
This little guy and my guild herald and page are no longer in my journal. I got them; I had them all three a week ago.
My horde version of this pet is still there, though his adult counterparts are not.
after patch 3.2.2 the pony was HUGE!
now patch 3.3 it is again tiny and cute again :D
Needless to say, tomorrow we're running from Silithus to Teldrassil.