Feral Vermling

Feral Vermling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and occasionally jumps and catches a fly.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This pet is rewarded via the mail when your character completes the "Going to Need More Leashes" achievement. To complete this achievement, your character must possess at least 250 unique vanity pets. Upon learning your 250th pet, you'll immediately receive this pet in your mailbox.
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Just got this guy but he didnt come to my mailbox. Went straight into my journal.
• It's better-half is the S/S Hopling.
Still, with the additional 13 P and 53 health, it's not all that bad against Dragonkin. A big-dmg. attack from Crush, while it's rooted from Sticky Goo make it diffictult for any def. Dragonkin to hold up without quickly dropping HP.
Not a bad pet but the Hopling with 325 speed is better for this set of abilites. Still a pretty decent Humanoid with strong Crush, some elemental damage and an interrupt. Dreadful Breath is probably better used by some other pet. Of course it is still useful in PvE situations, but for PvP go with the Hopling instead.
This pet is my go-to-pet in the final stage of the celestial pet battle tournament. Against Yu'la to be exact. Put him as the first of your team, use his interrupt ability at first and whenever it's off cooldown. And crush when interrupt is on cooldown. I almost solo'd Yu'la once this way.
I hd to laugh when I dismissed him and saw that he'd left behind a half-eaten carrot. That, of course, caused me to squeal on Skype to a friend 'I took your carrot! You have turnip instead!' A must-have for those of us who have spent time in the Heartland killing these creatures.
I got this pet recently, and for a humanoid, he's very good. His main attack -crush- is just a beatdown, plus he has a poison and the very useful ability -jump-, which makes the other pet miss a turn if you go first. Awesome for stopping those power-up attacks.
Nice strat is to keep as many of the enemy pets poisoned as possible. Every pet that takes damage from him in a turn nets some health. (Humanoid ability) I've had all 3 enemy pets taking damage and healing me for 200 a turn. =D
This little guy is particularly strong against Aki the Chosen, the Grand Master in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Use nothing but his Dreadful Breath ability against her cricket, Chirrup, until her dragon Stormlash is dead. Combine the Feral Vermling with a pet that casts Cleansing Rain and Dreadful Breath will kill both Stormlash and Whiskers, leaving only Chirrup to finish off. Using this method you can level two pets up against Aki the Chosen with ease.
Seems like a great pet to combat a Dragon in PVP. Anyone have testimonials to that?
Just little guy is great.. I toook out a Lvl 23 poor with it yesterday. From abuot level 10 on I let him take most of the first pet down (I was in leveling using level 23-24 mobs) before I switched to my tank. Great little thing, took him to 24 yesterday.
Super cute, one of my favorites. I love that he will randomly leave an eaten carrot behind, reminds me of Bugs Bunny. It does seem that they had perhaps planned to do more with his animation/vocals, as it has that vibe of not being complete somehow, but either way this one is hilarious as he is right now.
When i got this pet today.. i found it ironic that i got the achievment as soon as i learned 'Hopling'.
Oh well... 2 vermlings for the price of one, Grandma! XD
For those not seeing him in your journal when you get the achievement, go into the pet journal and click the "Revive Battle Pets" button and he should appear.
Good luck, Happy hunting!
ok so I hit 250 pets, and I got the achieve and everything...however I am STILL waiting for the mailbox to deliver my pet! I checked my pet list, checked mailbox, nothing was refreashing it. I have now logged all the way out, started a new window and everything, logged in, you apparnetly only get the pet instant to your list, no mail now. I miss the mail.
I noticed the carrot thing too. Randomly shows up then dissapears after a few seconds.
I thought I'd lost this rascally little critter! After I earned the achievement today, he didn't show up in my mailbox or my journal. After completely restarting my client (not just relogging), he showed up in my journal. Whew!
Just got him this morning. You will have to lvl him from lvl 1 if you want to use him in pet battles. If he's anything like the other rare pets, he should be a great member of your team!!
I have just got him today as well. But it just appeared in my pet atlas after I collected my 250th pet - and not even a single message to tell about it. I rather prefer the old way of celebrating collector's achievements, when Breanni herself used to mail me a new pet with a personal letter...
Just got him today, He's what you get from getting the 250 unique pet achievement. Awesome little guy. I'll be leveling him up for my secondary team.