Seaborne Spore

Seaborne Spore
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Spins in place and generates yellow dust particles.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: June 23, 2015
Fel-Touched Pet Supplies is rewarded upon defeating a legendary "boss pet" in Tanaan Jungle.
There are a total of 15 boss pets to battle, each rewarding a single bag. There are no quests to pick up or turn in. Simply defeating a boss pet in Tanaan Jungle will yield a bag.
Players can battle each pet only once per day per character, resulting in a maximum of 15 reward bags for each character in one lock-out.
The Seaborne Spore is one of four possible pet drops from Fel-Touched Pet Supplies.
There are a total of 15 boss pets to battle, each rewarding a single bag. There are no quests to pick up or turn in. Simply defeating a boss pet in Tanaan Jungle will yield a bag.
Players can battle each pet only once per day per character, resulting in a maximum of 15 reward bags for each character in one lock-out.
The Seaborne Spore is one of four possible pet drops from Fel-Touched Pet Supplies.
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So lucky, got it on 6th attempt.
Got it after 338 attempts.
I've been doing the daily battles for baggies and watching the AH for this Spore for ages. Still hasn't dropped from a bag, but I just snagged a level 25 off the AH for only 14k. Consideirng level 1's go for +30k usually, I'm doing an epic happy-dance right now.
Just opened my 100th Fel-Touched bag and still haven't gotten a single of the four pets...
I did all 15 on my main and got him on the 15th from Skrillex. Don't know if it matters or it but I didn't open any of the bags until I had al 15. I sold it for 30k on the AH and turned into 8 lvl 25s :)
287 bags it dropped today
Got one today for 40k off the AH. I did see another for sales 7-10 days ago but missed it - for similar amount (though I think it may be the same seller, so it may just have been relisted after a failed sale).
I can't say if there's currently a bug with fel-touched bags concerning the non-drop of this pet. All I can do is urge people to keep trying. Two weeks ago, though I don't recall which day of the week, three Seaborn Spores dropped on the same day as I made my way around Tanaan Jungle doing the pet battles. Of course since then, I've seen not a one.
i have been doing pet battles since patch first came up, i have done the battles on 3 toons mind you the easy fel battles i can get to which is 9 so that 189 bags per week and still nothing , one peep in guild got it and he was just running by a fel pet and say what the hell. no idea if i should be farming water fel pets or what but the rng on this is redic
I was lucky enough to get one in the AH on 29/7/15 for 3k. I asked the seller about it and he said it dropped for him that day.
Not sure where this *bug* was mentioned or who mentioned it, however it took exactly one week for me to get all 4 pets, Seaborne Spore to be the last in the collection, not the first few hours of the patch. As a matter of fact, patch day was on a Tuesday, I didn't get a Nightmare Bell (my first pet) until Friday or Saturday, the Seaborne Spore on the following Tuesday.
I want to add to the people saying they havent gotten theirs. Ive opened roughly 200 bags (give or take one or 2) and ive gotten 3 nightmare bells, 3 zangar spores, and 4 periwinkle calves. but obviously no sign of this guy. I went to look on the AH and the are rare there as well and when they are there go for like 30k ish. And thats is on an High Pop server. when i look on my lower pop servers there are none to be found.
Yeah these are not dropping the way they should, got all the other pets and not one of these. There are a few on our AH for like 64k. They must of got them before the bug and taking advantage. Will wait my self.
I have gotten 208 bags and no Seaborne Spore! I have gotten 2 Periwinkle Calf, 2 Nightmare Bell and 7 Zanger Spore. This seems ridiculously off. I know several other players that are pet collectors and none of them have gotten a Seaborne Spore to drop. Maybe I am just unlucky? :(
Just to add to the first two comments, I've done as much 'hunting' on the AH as in the Jungle due to time issues as much as the reluctance to be killed repeatedly by Felguards - I've not seen a single Seaborne Spore offered, and I've managed most of the rest of the new pets by now.
So far only a handful of people got lucky in the first few hours of the patch and got it.
However, it seems nobody can loot it since then.
One of the many bugg that's still unatended for.
I've decided to stop doing the fel touched pet until they fixed it since i got the three other ones.
I have had real problems geting this pet from a fel-touched bag. I have 10 alts on Mally and have farmed these boss pets on most of them every day for the past week and a half. So far I have looted 4 Zanger Spores, 2 Periwinkle Calfs and 1 Nightmare Bell. I've talked to other pet collectors and they too have had no luck on looting the Seaborne Spore. Is there a bug with the Fel-Touched Bag's? Anyone else know of issues?