Tiny Sporebat

Tiny Sporebat
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about and sheds glowing spores.
» Video
Vocalizations (on-click)
Reputation grinding required.
Burning Crusade expansion required.
Burning Crusade expansion required.
3 allowed
The Burning Crusade
Patch 2.3.0 | Posted: October 26, 2007

Tiny Sporebat
Item Level 70
Binds when picked up
Requires Sporeggar - Exalted
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your tiny sporebat.
This pet may be purchased for 30 Glowcaps upon achieving exalted with the Sporeggar faction in Zangarmarsh. View Wowhead's Sporeggar Faction Guide to learn the quickest methods to obtain exalted with Sporeggar.
Level 0:

1-18 of 18
1-18 of 18

This pet shares the same 3 breeds with identical stats with Shadow Sporebat and Glowing Sporebat. The only difference is the 3rd moveset level 20 slot. For Shadow Sporebat you have Barbed Stinger instead of Confusing Sting used by Tiny Sporebat or Glowing Toxin used by Glowing Sporebat. For these three pets you could have one of each breed with no redundancy in your pet journal.
I've had my eye on this pet for awhile now and I knew I wanted it. Finally found the time to raise my rep to exalted and bought one. I was pleased to get an H/H with my very first purchase. :) Since I was so lucky I'm considering picking up a couple of more to donate to friends and other collectors.
Even after the launch of WoD, the quests in The Underbog (Coilfang Reservoir, entrance to your right) are still available! Go for it! :D
For some reason, I got this pet when I was running Siege of Orgrimmar right after killing Immerseus o.O
I can confirm that the quest is still active in the underborg. I went from friendly to exalted in around 1,5 hours today. So for those looking for a fast rep cap, this is the best way to go. Not sure if this will last after WoD goes live tho. Good luck!
Just ran the Underbog on my 90 DK. The Hibiscus quest is alive and well, clearing the Underbog and collecting/turning in Hibiscus 5 times got me from Neutral to Exalted in about an hour and a half. Quest giver/turn in NPC is right inside after you zone into the Underbog. Bear in mind that you get rep for killing the mobs in the zone as well.
At 25 a H/H breed has 1888 health, making it the pet with the highest health in the flying family. To get this pet, first one needs to be exalted with Sporeggar, and there are some great comments below about how to get that done quickly. Once exalted you can buy the pet from Mycah for 30 Glowcaps. Tiny Sporebats come in three breeds B/B, H/S and H/H. To get my H/H breed required me to collect 180 Glowcaps (6 tries), but the grind is worth it. Good luck!
You can get these little guys of the AH instead of doing the rep grind...though the gold might not be worth it :/
I saw the sporebats in Zangermarsh for the first time and loved the way they looked when I found out that you could have a tiny one follow you around I knew I had to have it. Pet battles came out, this little sporebat has some real versatility,able to do a lot of damage overtime. Sporebats are wildcard in pvp pet battles, able to use abilities from flying, undead and elemental family; perfect for throwing off opponents that switch pet particularly if they have mechanical or humanoid pet.
I wubble Tiny Sporebat! It is my fave :D
To those that are doing this solo, I found that once I reached the end, some of the sanguine hibiscus had re-spawned. After all was said and done, I easily got 12-14 turn-ins each run.
I think killing the naga's is a faster way to get the rep than turning in sanguine hibiscus.
At least it was for me, as a 80 hunter, with track humanoids and without herbalism to see the location of the hibiscus.
It looks especially minuscule compared to some of the larger pets such as the Kirin Tor Familiar or the Little Fawn. This makes it all the more cute!