Shadow Sporebat

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about and sheds glowing spores.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.2 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Found in the north eastern area of Zangarra in Talador.
Level 0:

Definitely increased the spawn rate on this, I've been farming them steadybfor an hour trying to get a rare.
Caught mine at 86 31
This pet shares the same 3 breeds with identical stats with Tiny Sporebat and Glowing Sporebat. The only difference is the 3rd moveset level 20 slot. For Shadow Sporebat you have Barbed Stinger instead of Confusing Sting used by Tiny Sporebat or Glowing Toxin used by Glowing Sporebat. For these three pets you could have one of each breed with no redundancy in your pet journal.
I almost think that this pet had its respawn rate improved because I went looking for it and found 4 of them around Khadgar's Tower, 2 Rare and 2 Poor quality. I caught it in Turalyon around 8:30pm.
Right after I typed this, I went to khadgar's tower and there was one floating around to the left of the tower's entrance and one towards the right. So 6. 2 of them definitely up at the same time.
FYI: it was raining.
Finally caught mine (last one for the achievement) on Thrall at 9:15pm Pacific. Stopped by Khadgar's Tower to turn in a quest and thought I'd do a flyby with my target macro, and caught mine down at ground level in Zangarra right where No'Losh pats.
I just completed this quest in Khadghar's Tower (Temporal Juxtaposition if the link didn't work) and pretty sure it spawned 4 x shadow sporebats instantly. I have no other explanation. I would have noticed them before, as I intended to realm hop after, to check for them in other breeds, plus I was on a high pop server (Stormrage) at the time. If someone else could check this possibility it would be appreciated.
After whittling my "draenei safari" pets down to three that included the hard to find Sporebat and 2 just as difficult others I found that after tonights restart they all spawned where they were supposed to. I got the last 3 in <30 minutes. There were 3 sporebats right in front of Archmage's place in Zangarra and although the first was taken I nailed the 2nd. Only Poor Quality but nowadays it's faster to train a stone than search for a rare.
You all lie, I don't believe in sporebats :p
Got mine by server hopping as well. Spawn point was at the location others have mentioned where you need to fall off the top of the mountain to reach it.
Finally picked mine up after a few minutes of server hopping. Best way to do it.
I finally found this little guy! There was only one. A poor quality but I didn't care. I had an upgrade stone. I found it at 9:18 pm pst on norgannon. I took the portal to the lower section and it was right there in the middle of the little community. 5 secs after I got him someone showed up. I'm so lucky!
Had to do about 9 sever hops until I finally found this in the upper cave.
Logged on today at around 9:25 central time and finaly found one! There were actually two that spawned, a common one flying around up near the repair vendor at the tower and an uncommon down below among the mushrooms and spore creatures. No rares but I had a stone waiting to be used. I think it was raining at the time but looking at other comments that does not seem to be a factor.
Realm hopped for about an hour, finally found an uncommon on Area 52
Been logging in to check for wks, & he was finally there right by No'Losh the rare. I saw about 5 paw prints & frantically hovered until I saw one was him. The rest were Silk Beads. The Sporebat I got was poor, but I'll use a stone. At poor quality & lvl 23 he had about 1350 health. Garosh server, 8pm central.
EDIT: After stoning him, still at lvl 23, his health is at 1744 at rare quality, 224 P/S.
Picked up an uncommon one right by No'losh (was promptly attacked by him after fight) at around 12:30 am on U.S. server Aerie Peak with no rain. It was the only one there, and there where also no other pets in the area (silkbead snails). It was up in the air so I you may need to look around for it. Best of luck catching one!
Just caught one on Emerald Dream server; (3:12am, just outside of Assassin's Cove, not raining). Common quality, only one around. Jumped on it as soon as it appeared! Spent a couple hours earlier yesterday afternoon and never saw any. Must have been server reset time and beginner's luck. So happy I've got the achievement! ;^)
I didn't realize these guys were so tough to find. I happened upon mine outside of Khadgar's tower. It was a poor quality H/H, but I knew I didn't have one yet and could use a stone to upgrade it. Does anyone know which stats are best on this pet?
Yay started server jumping using the lfg and finally found one on area 52. Common quality but already upgraded with a stone <3
I just got one. 3 outside cave, 2 poor, 1 uncommon, no rain at around 9am server time. Been looking alot for the past week, so happy ive finally caught one!